Bates Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for Bates Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

Is it official that the results will come in after 2 days?

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Do you mean will Bates release decisions in two days time? Typically it’s around the middle of March. Follow them on social media, which is probably where they will announce it first.

I believe RD decisions will be released in the next few days. Fingers crossed.

Thank you. I am just so anxious for the results.

CC previously said the 12th?

Any update on Bates? They usually release around this time

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Good question

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Best of luck Ladies and Gents. Graduated a couple yrs ago, happy to answer any questions if you need help making a decision.

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Yeah I am surprised they haven’t released yet. Friday is a BIG day for other LACs … wonder if that is the day.

Got an email, results this saturday March 18 by noon ET


Yep we did too. Going to be a busy 24 hours in our house…




Good luck to all! It’s a nerve-wracking but exciting time!


My daughter got in with a nice grant! So happy for her!


Daughter accepted after being deferred in ED1 with very generous aid! She had already decided to go to UMaine and is now feeling conflicted. Can anyone share what it is like on campus for non-athlete students?


Most students at Bates aren’t athletes. Bates has a very high retention rate. Sports do not dominate campus life in anyway. In fact, I’d say sports, while some attend, are not a focal point for most students and athletes are involved in many activities outside of sports.

There is no “rah rah let’s tailgate” vibe. There is definitely school spirit, as evidenced by the many students who wear Bates apparel. My student was concerned about sports and it was a nonissue for all four of her years.

If your child wants a better classroom experience, and you can afford it, she should strongly consider Bates. My daughter is currently a grad student at a famous university and regularly discusses how her current university’s courses are dull and uninspiring and there is a lack of engagement with professors. She unequivocally believes her Bates education was superior to her post grad educational experience.

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That’s really helpful, thank you! Bates is actually less expensive than UMaine for us. I think her concern is with making friends and fitting in if she is not an athlete, since they do make up a large part of the student population. For example, having an athlete roommate who already has a built in set of friends because of teammates, etc.
thank you for sharing your experience, super helpful! We know that UMaine is a fantastic R1 institution, but it seems like it would be hard to pass up Bates!


Oh, can also add @MaineMom03 that my D was admitted from the WL during the summer. She was set to attend elsewhere. The best decision she has ever made was to accept the WL off at Bates.

AND, at her current university, there is another Bates graduate on her course, who echoes my D’s thoughts about her education at Bates. It’s pretty crazy they both ended up at the same university for their respective grad programs, especially as the other girl is a more recent Bates grad.

Saw your post, @MaineMom03 , my daughter never actually did end up hanging out much with athletes. She had great friends and fantastic opportunities.

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This is so helpful, thank you so much!!!