I recently visited UVA and we attended the McIntire tour. So I have some idea of how competitive it is to get into McIntire after 2 years. My daughter is now thinking she might be interested in Batten. I looked on their admissions page but it doesn’t give any information about what percentage of students are accepted. Does anyone have current info about this?
She loves UVA, but having to apply to one of these once she is there may be stressful. I am just trying to see how competitive it is. Also how many students are in a class for Batten (how many juniors?)?
All I know is that it became much more competitive for admission between 2013 and 2015. They announced the 2015 admission stats when my son graduated. However, there was talk about increasing enrollment at that time.
Don’t be too concerned. There’s often many paths. My son, a rising Second Year who is interested in business and public policy, is well on his way to completing all the pre-reqs for McIntire, Batten and the major in Economics. And, honestly, I can think of at least two other majors that he’d enjoy that would satisfy his immediate goals. UVAvwas a terrific First Year experience for my twin sons. But try to avoid worrying too much about Second Year applications and majors. Just keep with the general good advice for First Years. Meet people: go to all initial dorm events, attend the early school-run First Year carnivals / festivals / food truck freebies, go to the activities fair and try out 4-5 clubs and activities, join an intramural or club sport, and go to the Madison House and see if you can find a volunteer activity that fits your interests. Academically, go to class, do the readings, attend office hours if confused or inspired, meet the professor, review your notes, etc. Just work on setting a strong social and academic foundation First Year. (Though do begin completing the Batten pre-reqs as part of the general education curriculum. I believe you need social psychology and micro & macroeconomics.). Good luck!
Perhaps more on point, I believe recently Batten has been more competitive than McIntire. But just call Batten. Their advisors can answer all your admissions and application questions with the most current numbers.
These are VERY rough numbers, but for the undergrad major, the admit rate this year was around 40%. I think the demand has prompted them to grow the minor, which had an admit rate of somewhere around 70%. I believe the Masters program has an admit rate somewhere in the middle.
I am a Batten Ambassador and current student. The admittance rate for the undergrad program is about 40%, and the undergrad cohort is limited to 80 students.