Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

He liked that the ceilings were really (really) high in the first three floors. Our current ceilings are 6’7" and he is over 6’3", so in our current house, he has to duck below every room threshold. These were high even for dorm rooms. He also liked that there were lots of spaces outside to sit and a fountain in the area. He also liked the more suite/apartment set up.
Clearly the original Honors dorm locations are better. I think they get to move back there the second year- assuming the construction finishes on time. Also, there is not a cafeteria right by the new locations (North Village) whereas the old Honors dorms had a good cafeteria right there.
Again, we did not tour Texana where the girls will be, so I don’t know about their ceilings. There were lots of little places to sit in the North Village area.

Thank you for your input. Appreciate it.

My daughter just receive an 88k scholarship. I think it’s called Baylor Distinction Award. We can’t find anything online about merit scholarship amounts. Does anyone know the range for merit scholarships? Is this on the high end, or are there higher ones. We are struggling to find any information.

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I could not find anything regarding specific tiers this year either. But from what I have seen on this thread and others we know, 88k is on the high end. I have mostly seen/heard of the following:

  • $16k per year (many)
  • $20k per year (many)
    -$22k per year (only a few)
  • $25k per year (only one)

And it seems like the awards are a bit all over the place. Some not being invited to separate scholarship programs, but then getting awards. Some with “stellar” credentials getting offered less than siblings a few years back. It all seems a bit incongruent. Thankful for what we were awarded, but praying for more!


Thank you so much for this information. It was very helpful for us. We couldn’t find much on Baylors site. Much appreciated!!

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Just received Merit for $56K/$14k/year. Pretty shocked at how low. High gpa/high rigor, invited to Distinguished Scholars (attending 2/10). Right after she applied she was sent a scholarship (before even being admitted) and it’s gone away. Very disappointed at the low amount and transparency of scholarships.

Baylor has been rising - applicant quantity wise, stat wise. You hear the name more and more. So they can be more choosy. What you as deserved they see as a marketing expense. How much will it cost them to close the deal with you ?

There are many privates that will discount 50% or more via merit. They need to. The market doesn’t believe their price is valid. Like buying a suit or suitcase at Macys. Always 50% off plus a coupon.

That’s not Baylor. Big sports = more attention = more apps.

If money is a factor for you then you will find many other less expensive but likely equally as fine schools.

Good luck.

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Our daughter got $19k/year and it’s also called the Distinction Award. Interesting that your daughter’s $22k would be called the same thing? Wonder if Distinction is what they’re calling all merit scholarships this year?


I got 16k a year, it was also called the Baylor Distinction Awards.

I’m assuming the Baylor Distinction Award is not the same as the Distinguished Scholar Award, correct?


My D23 was offered 25k a year for 4 years and it was called Baylor Distinction Award as well


Did anyone’s child receive an email tonight regarding financial aid changes on the portal. The only difference I see, is that I can’t find the work study offer my D had before and there is no COA anymore. All other merit and financial aid amounts remained the same.

And the loan offer is also gone.

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Are need-based grants out because we’ve only received a merit scholarship as of yet?


Agree, same for us. We got a lot more money at other schools…

Our son and 3 of his classmates at his high school got the same Distinction Award $12,000/yr last Friday night so I think this is the merit scholarship since today is the 1st and I don’t see anything else added on our end.

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About a week ago, my D’s portal was updated with merit scholarship, financial aid, work study and loan offer. Last night she got a message to check her portal bc changes had been made and now we can’t see the work study and loan

Maybe call the financial aid office? Seems strange.


My son got the same. I was a bit disappointed.

My son was RD but submitted by Nov 1 and applied for Honors (yes) Gettterman (no) etc. so he was in the system early.

We weren’t expecting any merit notification until April 1 since he is RD. Apparently Friday he got an email to check while we were at another scholarship weekend. We just saw it today. He was awarded a “Distinction” award also (maybe the name for all of these) for $27,000 a year. I was really happy because Baylor is his first choice.

We’re thrilled with the amount, but that still puts the school at $45,000 which is the most expensive on his list after merit at other places and also is 2/3 of our household income. Bio-dad’s info on CSS (divorced when S23 was a toddler) would result in no need at all, but he’s not just going to pay. I wrote Baylor today to ask if the I2E award (on the off-chance his essay is picked) would be stackable. Here’s hoping he can be picked for some more aid and it be stackable to get the price down some more since we are ineligible for need based on bio-dad.

I wanted to post in case other RD applicants are wondering it the awards are rolling in, which apparently they are, and also to give a data point of another amount for the Distinction Awards since Baylor doesn’t have the chart it used to have so it is all a surprise. Also, I am hoping it doesn’t disappear like some of them seem to be doing on people’s portals as reported on the thread.