Baylor University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Did anyone get a decision last Friday? Just wondering if they are still releasing weekly?

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I was wondering the same thing. My daughter got invited to Distiguished Scholar Day, but no word on acceptance. Does anyone know if students get invited for scholarships and then does not accepted to attend college?

I do not know the answer about being invited to Distinguished Scholar Day but not yet being accepted. I would think that the acceptance is coming.

Just curious, when is Distinguished Scholarā€™s Day?

Congratulations to everyone! We applied on 11/1 and havenā€™t heard anything yet. We are OOS.

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Our daughters is Jan 30.

Good Luck!! I hope everyone who is waiting hears soon. I am curious if they are rolling out acceptance by pursued majors? My DD is health science?

My DS23 applied business mid October, but we have not heard yet.

Congrats on Distinguished Scholars Day!

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Thank you.

Hey all! First, congrats to all the acceptances out there-we celebrate alongside you! My DD is im/paitiently waiting on updates :). She was invited to attend Scholars Day for Pre-Health in Feb but when we tried to register it says itā€™s already full. Sheā€™s emailed her admissions counselor but wondering if anyone has heard (or knows from years past) if Baylor will add more dates, or if more spots tend to open up? TIA!

Ours is the same day! But, we have no acceptance yetā€¦ so hoping for some good news soon!

Hi, this is my first post here! My son applied to Baylor 10/14 and submitted an application for the Getterman Scholarship a couple of weeks ago. He still hasnā€™t heard back on whether heā€™s admitted. I read that if heā€™s selected to compete for Getterman, heā€™ll know by December 12, but Iā€™m a little concerned that he hasnā€™t heard back regarding admission yet. Is this a bad sign? He applied for an Honors program (not sure which one).

1st post for me as well. My daughter applied late October. Attended Distinguished Scholars on 11/11. Accepted on 11/12. Applied for Honors mid Nov and applied for Getterman on Nov 27, but have not received notice yet on those two things yet.


My S23 just got accepted tonight!!! Applied mid October. No word on Distinguished Scholars. He would love to attend that. He did not apply for Honors or Getterman. SO relieved to have an acceptance to such a great school!


I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad sign at all. I know some really high stats kids who are still waiting. Hang in there- admissions waiting is brutal.

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Itā€™s hard waiting, but just remember that they barely started announcing acceptances. Itā€™s still very early and Iā€™m sure they havenā€™t announced the majority of acceptances. Hang in there!!

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I do not think it is a bad sign either. The release of acceptances is supposedly random.

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My daughter received an email this afternoon inviting her to attend an Honors Zoom call next week. We first thought it was a general email sent to all honors applicants. At 7:40 pm, she got another email stating to login for a message regarding her Honors application. To our surprise, she got Accepted!!


My daughter just got accepted!


Congrats!! What major?