BB&N matriculation

Does anybody know the real matriculation of BB&N? I heard that BB&N’s good matriculation is mostly due to parents working at Harvard, plus sports and legacy. Is this true? BUA and Commonwealth’s matriculation looks better, except for Harvard.

Colleges accept students, not high schools. Matriculation lists simply tell you where the students from that school chose to go. Correlation not causation.

Sure, but matriculation is an important factor for all parents sending kids to prep schools.

It shouldn’t be.

The question comes up from time to time, so I will link one prior response from me. Simply replace the schools I mention there with any other group of similar schools.

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There are plenty of other aspects I considered before getting to matriculation. It’s a factor, but not at the top of the list for all parents sending kids to prep schools.

To OP - Please define “better” and we can answer to your question accordingly.

Please don’t rely on matriculation stats when deciding on a high school. The numbers are heavily influenced by kids with serious hooks: URM, athlete, legacy, donor, faculty-child. Once you strip away those students, the acceptance rates at top colleges is probably similar to other high schools.

On the other hand, if your kid has one of the hooks above, then going to BB&N will be helpful.

That’s for sure. For years now I’ve interviewed students for Penn from the top prep/BS near us and from most of the public schools in the county. Some kids have squeezed everything out of their experience at the BS while others not at all. It’s very much a function of the student.