<p>Planning to apply for a transfer, have a pretty awesome idea for my essay but need the BBA recruitment statistics for that. I looked quite a bit could only find the MBA ones. Does Wharton publish BBA statistics at all? and if they do could someone please provide me a link?</p>
<p>number of transfers to wharton’s bba program = 0
(wharton’s program is a bs econ, not a bba)</p>
<p>seriously though - anecdotally, the number of external transfers into wharton is very low, requiring, among other things, a more-or-less perfect gpa - if the internal standard is ~3.8, the external standard is higher</p>
<p>recruitment statistics as in on-campus corporate recruiting???</p>
<p>If so here is the link…</p>
<p>[Career</a> Services, University of Pennsylvania](<a href=“http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/wharton/surveys.html]Career”>http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/wharton/surveys.html) </p>
<p>And as tenebrousfire pointed out its a BSE not a BBA.
Btw one of my good friends at Wharton transferred from Michigan sophomore year.</p>
<p>Well I mean I was valedictorian for high school, got higher than my predicted grades (was rejected by wharton initially) and am heading towards 3 As and an A- (possibly an A depends on the curve) for my first semester. Worth a shot isn’t it? Otherwise Ross is pretty great too, and I wouldn’t mind being here. And my bad on the course name. </p>
<p>whartongrad I actually think I know who that person was, well not personally, but when I brought up applying to others one of them told me that he only knew one person who successfully transferred from Mich. Are you talking about a guy who was a pre-admit to Ross too? Oh yea and thanks for the link :)</p>