BC accepts December SAT scores right

<p>I thought I read that on BC’s website. If this is true, all I have to do is go to my December SAT and click BC right? I don’t need to rush it or do I?</p>

<p>yea, they accept December SAT scores, and no, you dont have to rush them, just send them as you normally would</p>

<p>how about January subject scores?</p>

<p>Usually December scores are the last ones that can be sent…Some colleges will clearly say this, others will say that December is the last “recommended” testing date…I’ve seen colleges that say you can take the January SAT, but the scores might not get into your file before the admissions officers review it. Send in whatever scores you have now, and if you really want to take the SAT again, take it in January and I’d have your scores rushed there…That’s probably the best option if you plan to take them one last time</p>