Confused about Sending SAT Scores

<p>Hi. I am new to this group and am so confused about sending my SAT scores. I just got off the phone with collegeboard, but they didn’t exactly answer my questions. Before I call them again, I wanted to see if someone here knew the answers. </p>

<li><p>Where can you find out if a school takes the SAT scores online or only in paper (by mail)? </p></li>
<li><p>Where can you find out what schools do/do not accept rush score reportings? </p></li>
<li><p>I am applying to Boston College (Regular Decision). They require both the SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Tests. Their application deadline is January 1st, 2009. </p></li>

<p>I took the SAT Reasoning Tests in June, October, & November. For whatever reason, I did NOT send my scores to any school or take advantage of the four free schools that collegeboard offers. </p>

<p>I also took the SAT Subject Tests last weekend (on December 6th). So, I have fulfilled my requirements, BUT I have no idea how to go about sending my scores to Boston College. I have two options: </p>

<li>Send the December 6th SAT Subject test scores for free to Boston College. This score report will include the 3 prior SAT Reasoning Tests I took back in June, October, & November. </li>

<p>HOWEVER, it takes approx. 1-2 weeks to electronically submit the scores from to Boston College. The results of my December 6th test will not be in until December 23rd. Obviously, 2 weeks after December 23rd is too long and I will miss the January 1st deadline. </p>

<p>So…should I just submit them regularly and hope that they accept them? </p>

<p>OR…do I rush my score report to Boston College? This means that they will receive my scores between December 26-28. I realize it is the Holidays, so I don’t know what to do! </p>

<p>Please advise me on what to do! I really appreciate any help. Even if you can only answer part of my question, please do! </p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>I believe all schools accept the scores electronically (more easily processed). I don’t know of any that don’t accept rush scores. And as to what to do for your scores, send them from collegeboard before you’re December scores are done: [Send</a> your scores to colleges and scholarship programs](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>Send SAT Scores to Colleges - SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>Erin’s Dad, you mean that we have to send the scores we already have right now?</p>