Helle, all! I plan on applying to brown (ED), and BC, Northeastern and UMiami. Here are my stats so far:
Male, white
-Gpa: 3.9 weighted (my school doesn’t do unweighted or class rank)
-SATs: 2010 (670 Math, 670 writing, 670 reading) I’m very well rounded I guess…
-AP Tests:
Apush ?
Lang and comp ?
Chem ?
Comp gov ?
World history ?
Spanish ?
AB Calc ?
Lit and Comp ?
-SAT IIs (I’m waiting on scores)
U.S. history
Math II
-Extra curriculars:
3 years on varsitytennis team. I am captain
3 years on varsity alpine team
Secretary General of my school’s model un conference (which hosts five hundred students from all over New England)
Head delegate in MUN club, won many many awards
Founder and President of my schools chapter of DECA
Team captain of Mock Trial
Editor in chief of school newspaper
All and all I’m a pretty nice guy. I’m applying to the Lynch school in bc, as I plan to do some sort of education major, then go to law school. Thanks all for responding, you are all amazing!
I disagree with tomsrofboston. Admissions are holistic, so they’re not going to throw aside your application just because of a 2010 SAT. That being said, I encourage you to retake it, or try the ACT, in the fall. Best of luck!
I agree with ptkid16 you have a shot at these schools just make sure you have strong essays and recs. Your ECs are good so show interest in the schools your applying to through your essays and you may have a chance. Good Luck!!
Thanks all! You are the best and deserve the best in your future. For those who would like, and anyone else, I would love to “chance back” if that is something you are interested in. Again thanks all who have posted, or will post in the future.
I say rejections at Brown + Chicago, then 50/50 at the others. Get your SAT to at least the mid-2200s, then Brown & Chi become possible and likely accepted at the others.
Definitely try the ACT and/or get your SAT up if you want to get into Brown and Chicago. Admissions are holistic, but if there are many candidates with similar GPAs and extracurriculars as you, your SAT will definitely be a drawback.