<p>Hi British Columbians :D</p>
<p>I was wondering how much weight provincial exams will have on an application, given that they are (the only?) standardized testing in Canada. Although they are now optional, would it not show initiative if you took them?</p>
<p>Also, most importantly, could I put the results in the "Senior secondary leaving exams" section of the International Applicants supplement to the CommonApp, alongside A-level, Abitur, etc?</p>
<p>Are provincial exams not mandatory in BC? In Alberta anyway they constitute 50% of your final grade for grade 12 courses…</p>
<p>^ oh wow I had no idea AB had prov. exams too!
Yes, in BC the prov. exams are now optional-- it’s been a recent change, and most schools are no longer requiring them (UBC, McGill, etc)</p>
<p>Our gr 12 exams count for 40% of final grade. I find standardized tests are easier because you know what to expect and the questions are clear.</p>
<p>WOW Upenn
How I would looove to go there! I assume your major EC is dance? 
Hey I have a question: as I was looking at the CommonApp, I found little that I could put in the “Academic achievements” section, besides school/local awards. Could I ask what kind of awards you listed? There isn’t NHS or many national competitions widely available to me, so it looks quite bare :(</p>
<p>OH just say you enjoy piano too! I was wondering if you submitted an Arts Supp, and what kind of level should I be to consider it? Others don’t seem to know Canada’s RCM grades, etc.
<p>Interesting how different provinces structure things differently…Not sure what the answer is to the questions in your first post. Perhaps contact the schools you are interested in and ask about where you should list those results? (Would they be available by the time you apply though?)</p>
<p>Yes, my major EC in high school was dance (did it for about 8 years, competitively for several of those years) I submitted an Arts Supplement which was a DVD with maybe about 5 minutes worth of clips of my dancing. I did piano too, finished grade 10 RCM and started the Performer’s-ARCT before stopping due to lack of time. </p>
<p>In terms of academic achievements, I think I only listed school/local awards. If you’re good at math, I would take a look at the math competitions out of Waterloo maybe (or the AMC - American Math Competition I think it’s called)</p>
<p>Hey CDN dancer thanks for replying :D</p>
<p>Well I would have at least Socials and Math provs ready, and also the gr 10 ones in time for application. Yes, I will probably contact some schools, since my counselor is clueless xD</p>
<p>Awesome EC’s
I actually will be in the same situation you are in: finished gr 10 but not enough time to finish Performers ARCT! lol :)</p>
<p>Thanks for sharing your academic achievements because I was worried on leaving regional/nationals blank. I’m not a math phenom-- I have done the Waterloo contests every year, but have only gotten the top 25% certificates.</p>
<p>Anywho thanks again!! =]</p>
<p>Haha, good luck! I was lucky to have a counselor who had some previous experience with getting American apps ready (although he still spent a good 20 min of our first meeting trying to convince me to stay in Canada for uni :P)</p>
<p>Try not to let the crazy resumes here on CC scare you. I was definitely intimidated when I was applying (didn’t have the crazy national level awards that seem almost common place here) but was pleasantly surprised when decisions came out =)</p>
<p>I don’t think Grade 12 Provincial Exams will count for much, seeing as how you get your results after you’ve been accepted/rejected (unless you absolutely bomb them -> rescindment). Concerning Grade 10 and 11 Provincials, I believe they’d just be blended into your final mark and that would be what counts. I think they only count for 20% in Gr 10 and 11?</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I don’t think it will matter alot. the only reason you would write them is for the $1000 scholarship. otherwise your class mark represents you well and i don’t think you should be worrying about them. In fact if you do write them and get a low mark , that conveys something else to your universities, especially the ones outside bc. Choose Wisely!</p>
<p>Not long before grades are released…
Man this summers going by fast, thank god. Working gets repetitive fast…</p>
<p>^ damn yeah. What tests are you waiting on?
I’ve got so much SAT II stuff to do grrr :(</p>
<p>English 12
Socials 11.
Took Eng 12 in my 11 year, wanted to get it out of the way.</p>
<p>The provincial exam results are now out! They’re early =D!</p>
<p>Eng 10 : 92 - meh… as I expected though
Math 10: 99 - I thought i got 100 
Sci 10: 100 - Yay! I thought i got lower .</p>
<p>But only my Eng mark changed… (dropped)</p>
<p>How did you guys do?</p>
<p>For this session:
English 10 (don’t judge me): 99%
Principles of Mathematics 12: 100%
None of my final marks changed!
I thought for SURE I had screwed up that probability question for math …
but anyway I am very pleased with my results :)</p>
<p>peachaso congratz on your stellar math and flawless science score!</p>
<p>Likewise, congratulations on your exceptional results! Why exactly were you in English 10, when your skills are clearly beyond that? o_O</p>
<p>lool well it is the aftermath of an awkward timetable that fit everything I wanted to take before I graduate, including a second language and calculus. Hence, some things are accelerated and others are delayed.
My transcript will be normal and have everything I wanted at time of application though :)</p>
<p>English 12: 100%
Socials 11: 96%</p>
<p>Oh my goodness. I am SO happy right now!</p>
<p>Wow perfect English 12 exam? That’s gotta be ultra rare
Congratz onimpulse!</p>
<p>^Thank you!</p>
<p>Great job on your Math mark! Perfect Math 12s must be rare too… I’m taking the course right now, and I’m about ready to go insane, haha.</p>
<p>Wow! That’s super incredible, onimpulse! There’s never been anyone from my school with a perfect Eng 12 exam, so it is quite an amazing accomplishment.</p>
<p>Good luck with your Math 12 too!</p>
<p>Wow omnipulse, you just made my post-provincial exam depression go through the roof…</p>
<p>But CONGRATS!!</p>