BC ranks #7 on list of "Dream Colleges"

<p>BC likes to tout all the obscure lists it gets on (probably a result of being consistently under-ranked in US News :wink: ) so it’s not a surprise that this article from the Princeton Review is prominently displayed on today’s BC homepage. What IS surprising is the difference between the student and parent lists. Anyone care to speculate?</p>

<p>Top 10 Dream Colleges
In answer tallies on the survey’s only fill-in-the-blank question, “What ‘dream college’ would you most like to attend (or see your child attend) were prospects of acceptance or cost not issues?,” the schools students most named were 1-New York Univ., 2-Harvard Univ., 3-Princeton Univ., 4-Stanford Univ., 5-Yale Univ., 6-Brown Univ., 7-Columbia Univ., 8-Duke Univ., 9-Cornell Univ., and 10-Univ. of California Los Angeles. The schools parents most named were: 1-Princeton Univ., 2-Stanford Univ., 3-Harvard Univ., 4-Univ. of Notre Dame, 5-Duke Univ., 6-Yale Univ., 7-Boston College, 8-Brown Univ., 9-Cornell Univ., 10-Massachusetts Institute of Technology.</p>

<p>The full article is at:
<a href=“http://www.princetonreview.com/footer/pressreleases/pressrelease_032106.asp[/url]”>http://www.princetonreview.com/footer/pressreleases/pressrelease_032106.asp</a></p>