<p>teachers and conselors always say everywhere is diverse, sometimes i dont think they realize what diversity means. now any of you that go there, or have visisted.</p>
<p>is it ike 80+% asians, so sorry to be prejudice..but are all the kids super smart and competitive. i say this because the genius asians in my school are the reason im not flippin ranked like top 10 students, meaning top 1%.</p>
<p>yes the majority of people there are asian. i have visited before. HOWEVER, the feeling that i got when i visited + info from friends was that irvine is pretty easy to do well in. the vast majority of the ppl from my high school who went to irvine the past 2 years were not “super smart and competitive.”</p>
<p>Trust me, the Asian population here is often exaggerated- 80% is ridiculous. </p>
<p>Yes, about 50% of the student body is Asian, but you’ll find nearly this same demographic at UCSD and Berkeley. Most of the UC’s have a disproportionately large number of Asian students.</p>
<p>I go to a high school that is 90+% asian, and Irvine was pretty damn diverse when I visited, large latino population as well. Since asians are “minorities”, wouldn’t that be diversity anyways (anything nonwhite)?</p>
<p>Well you guys have to remember that these Asians are descendants from people from Asia, the largest continent in the world which also has the largest population. </p>
<p>Statistically, the category “Asians” encompasses various ethnicity ranging from Filipinos, Vietnamese, Arabs/Middle-Easterns, Koreans/Chinese/Japanese, Indians from India, and much more.</p>
<p>Yeah, I mean, I really DON’T believe it’s 50%, more like 80%, unless all of the caucasians, native americans, african americans and latinos are all hiding in their dorms.</p>
<p>Cause seriously, everytime I’m there I feel like I’m in Lil tokyo</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s about 50% Asians but the University of Chinese Immigrants things is really misleading. Asians here are majorly Korean. Asian does not automatically = Chinese.</p>