<p>1)Columbia College
2) Duke University
3) Notre Dame
4) University of College</p>
<p>My SAT scores: M: 690 CR: 660 Writing: 720
GPA: 5.0
Long term committment to 7 or 8 extracurricular activities with leadership positions in 3 or 4 of them.</p>
<p>So, based on this information, woud it be worth the time and money to apply to these schools?</p>
<p>Please give a separate response for each school.</p>
<p>^^^^How did he prove his Sat scores were a fluke?, because he has a high gpa?</p>
<p>When colleges see a high gpa/low s.a.t. they assume the school is easy…Think about it, Sat’s are the same for everyone, while high schools grading system and compeitiveness varies from school to school, so colleges will look at standarized tests more…</p>
University of Chicago—Reach, unless you write really good essays, thats 1 of their most important deciding factors
NotreDame----Don’t know</p>
<p>Hey, i have similar stats to yours (almost identical - Ec’s, leadership, low SAT, high GPA) and im applying to the same level of schools, so i think we have a chance.</p>
<p>(in response to post above) also i got a high ACT score, so hopefully it will show that my high school isnt easy, and i am still good on a national test that is the same for everyone - im jus not the best at SAT taking…</p>