<p>I have already formed a very balanced college list and have applied EA to a few schools. However, I am just curious if I would have any shot at more prestigious schools like Northwestern, Chicago, Duke, Penn, Columbia, Tufts, etc. I have looked into them and they seem very interesting and good fits for me but I do not want to apply if my chances are not high. (I would only apply to one or two of them if any).</p>
<p>prospective major: economics, math, something along those lines </p>
<p>My rough stats are..</p>
<p>-1400 and 2130 SAT (630 CR, 770 M, 730 W)-(not taking again)
-somewhere in the 2nd Decile (smallish public school)
-6 APs this year in all core subjects-doing very well
-All A's except for 2 B's freshman year, 1 B junior year
-No real Hooks
-EC's (don't feel like listing) are, I think, slightly above average/interesting, and my essay is something unique about me. </p>
<p>so, with this profile, is it worth applying to one of these schools or no?</p>
<p>Thanks for your time! Please be honest.</p>