Be yourself?

<li><p>Life is not about making social milestones on time, if you approach people with the ultimate goal of wanting to kiss them then you're doing it wrong</p></li>
<li><p>Are you physically attractive? If you honestly are not then don't set your standards too high. </p></li>
<li><p>Get off the Internetz and talk to people!</p></li>

Are you physically attractive? If you honestly are not then don't set your standards too high.


<p>Yes. I am told that I am pretty all the time and I don't even have to ask. I've been asked out several times, but it was mostly creepy old guys who have a lot of nerve, so I turned them down. I don't get why though, I don't think I look old.
When I went to prom, I must have had the most compliments. My Mom told me that people say that I look like a movie star or model to her all the time.
Before anyone asks, I want to remain anonymous therefore I'm not showing pictures.</p>

Get off the Internetz and talk to people!


<p>OK. I hope I don't come off as desperate or creepy while doing so.</p>

<p>Forget the past. It doesn't affect what you do and the choices you make NOW.</p>

<p>The advice "be yourself" basially means be proud and unapologetic about who you are, what your values are, what you're currently feeling/ thinking. However, it doesn't mean you shouldn't change your behavior/ attitude.</p>

<p>The challenge you're dealing with might be that you have difficulty trusting people in general. Just a guess. I'm no expert, and I'm just throwing this out there, but usually friends and relationships are formed or strengthened beyond the level of "acquaintance" by opening up to people. Give your true opinions, share to people what you're feeling sometimes, etc. I mean keep it light at first, of course. Show some vulnerability. Or get the "conspiratorial" vibe going, you know, where you and the other person are "in" on something or some joke, like it's you guys vs. the world.</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry about not being kissed. I knew a hot girl who was 19 and never kissed. Then she "did it all" with a guy in the span of a month. I'm not exactly doing a survey but I'm sure there's plenty of people like that at our school.</p>

<p>Being "inexperienced" as a girl is often seen as a positive, whereas it's a stigma and ego-deflating for a guy. No one judges a girls' sexual value or attractiveness based on experience - it's just mostly looks. So if you're hot - scratch that - if you have one iota of attractiveness - finding a cute guy to kiss isn't too hard.</p>

<p>So either A). Learn to flirt with strangers or B). Open up and get close to guys so they won't feel awkward or intimidated asking you out [I'm hoping it's that and not something obvious like you weigh 300 lbs].</p>

[I'm hoping it's that and not something obvious like you weigh 300 lbs].


<p>True. People say that I don't open up enough all the time. It is because I don't want to get taken advantage of somehow, but one cannot be completely closed in. </p>

<p>I don't think I have anything obviously wrong with my outer appearance, especially not something like being 300 lbs lol.</p>

<p>i dont know what it is, maybe the internet allows people to be themselves, but the way you post on the forums indicates that you are obviously capable of being yourself one way or another. try bringing yourself out...i am not sure what else to say. a friend of mine was really reserved in person, but when we got home and played video games together, he would become this really funny person and what not. he was forced out of his shell because he eventually got a GF and that's all she wrote....</p>

<p>Yes, it's good to be yourself, but it's also necessary to have a "front" of sorts to adjust.</p>