<p>I'll tutor someone in Critical Reading.</p>
<p>I am a junior in New Jersey. 78 on PSATs; 800 on SATs.</p>
<p>you must have an AIM screen name and be in possession of either a) the Blue Book, or b) a test that you can send to me. we have to have some mutual questions with which to practice, and although I can work with a lot of different people, please don't give me any crap and try to stay focused.</p>
<p>no fee, no catch -- just something I wanted to try-out. I'm on spring break with nothing to occupy myself with, and no, I refuse to do any more studying for the APs than I have been doing.</p>
<p>so yeah. just IM me. I fake away all the time.</p>
<p>I need help with CR, I got a 570 :( on my first try which was in March. I have a month until my next test and would work as hard as I need to reach an optimal score!</p>
<p>IM me on AIM (today, optimally, so we can set-up some sort of time frame). I'm on the East coast and I'll be home all day tomorrow.</p>
<p>haha, my existance sounds so futile.</p>
<p>anyone else?</p>
<p>Sure, I can take you up on that offer. My CR score sucked.</p>
<p>I would love for you to be my tutor. I'm scoring a 610 on the Critical reading, 680 on the writing and 690 on the math so yeah..
I need help! Thanks</p>
<p>Where do you get the time?</p>
<p>My CR was pretty bad...I'll PM you with my SN.</p>
<p>Hey, I actually read a book on string theory a few weeks ago, and it talks about the positron a lot. I love physics. I guess I'm bored out of my mind as well, oh well.</p>
<p>Haha. Please just IM me. Forget PMs, I can't add new screen-names to my AIM, so unless you IM me, I can't IM you.</p>
<p>So yeah.</p>
<p>AIM ~ Faux Iniquity.</p>
<p>I get time because I'm on spring break and I can't drive. My mom's off on a pseudo-vacation with my brother, and my dad's working. 8 hours a day of not-so-much to do aside from studying for APs.</p>