becoming teacher with accounting degree?

<p>Ok so I was wondering if it would be possible for me to become a teacher with an accounting degree? I live in massachusetts by the way and am having a hard time finding any info on this. I like accounting but am having second thoughts on whether or not I'll be able to find a job when I get my degree and teaching is something I've been interested in doing. I'm not sure what I would want to teach, maybe accounting or computers or possibly math? I don't know, can someone give me some info here please? Thanks</p>

<p>With an accounting degree, you shouldn’t have too much of a problem getting a job as a CPA I don’t think. I believe there is a need for accountants in the country nowadays.
However, you can probably find an education program to get you licensed to teach in your state. The only distinction is that most math teachers have degrees in math and not accounting. Also, I do not know how many schools across the country have classes for high school students that require a teacher that has such an extensive background in accounting.</p>

<p>So in that may be a problem, your accounting agree may not be broad enough, but there are many examples of teachers that have degrees in different areas than what they teach.
So just go with what you want to do.</p>