Being middle class...



<p>I guess when my asian friends come to their house to eat their good, ricy, insides.</p>

<p>^Haha, that was really good. People at Rice University have their own problems as well…</p>

<p>^ Wonder what my aunt did while there.</p>

<p>I’d like to just say, for most actual poor people, going to college is next to impossible. I tell people I work with that I plan to go to college and they get all starry eyed. They say “Wow, really? Thats wonderful, nattilee, you’re so smart. Are you going to -insert name of local community college here-?” I tell them no, that I’m actually planning to go out of state, then I get blank looks. Its pretty much unfathomable. I want to give so many of them a shot at going to a university, but they can’t even accept the possibility of it.</p>

<p>Truth is, I applied to all colleges that are ‘need blind’ and ‘meet 100% of demonstrated need.’ All selective colleges. And if I don’t get accepted to at least one, with close to full ride, well thats it. I won’t be able to go to college then. And I’ve come to accept that that is probably what’s going to happen, with <20% acceptance rates and reality and all. But right now you just feel lucky you have a job for when it all falls through.</p>

<p>^^^Oh, btw, I’m a questbridge finalist. And they do have finalists that earn more than 60,000 dollars if they can show they’re really in need. Its the most amazing program I ever found.</p>

<p>Being Middle class is better than being poor</p>

<p>^^Who is this ■■■■■?</p>

<p>^ Still trying to figure that out, lol.</p>

<p>I want my gd motherfin sholarhcip to son
yu gota wourk for it</p>

<p>Ah, the middle class vs. poor thread.</p>

<p>This should have stayed dead.</p>