Belmont University

<p>Has anyone had any personal experience with Belmont University of Nashwille.
We are interested in their vocal performance or commercial music programs.</p>

<p>Take a look at the last post in my recent thread. "Henrob" posted about her son's experience at Belmont.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My son did graduate from Belmont in Commercial Violin Performance. I have said earlier what my son does and that I pleased with his college program. </p>

<p>His wife (they met his freshman year) graduated in Commercial Voice. She is unusual in that she prefers to sing back up and do studio work. She is not the "out front" singer like so many there. Currently she works in music business during the day, but like my son, does studio work and gigs on nights and weekends. They both love it. </p>

<p>I think Belmont has a great Commercial music program. I do not consider it a top program if you are going the classical direction, but from what I see, the classical training is good to lay the base and the commercial teachers are highly regarded. My daughter-in-law loved her voice teacher and felt her teacher improved her voice greatly. She was a Senior by the time I heard her sing and by then she was a very fine singer.</p>

<p>The commercial vocal program and the music business program are the biggest in the music school. There are many, many singers working to make it, the majority female. Quite a few kids come to the school to major in music and then decide either the competition or music theory is too tough and they transfer into the music business program. Many very good singers are there trying to make it in rock, country and other areas. </p>

<p>The music school is heavily supported by Mike Curb, who owns Curb Records. I think the music business school is named after him. Vince Gill is a huge supporter of Belmont and its music school. So the school has strong support. </p>

<p>My son is a classically trained violinist and took AP Music Theory in high school. Theory came easy to him, but many of the kids who go there to major in music have little or no formal music training. So music theory hits them like a Mack truck. But I think the teachers are used to that and work hard with those kids. </p>

<p>Nashville is a hot bed for music, and only a portion of it is country. The musical talent and opportunities in the city are tremendous. We live in Atlanta, and I don't believe Atlanta comes close to Nashville's musical life and atmosphere. </p>

<p>I hope this helps. If you are interested in either commercial (non-classical)music performance or music business, I think you are making a mistake if you do not at least look at Belmont's program. </p>

<p>And just for reference, I am my son's father, a he. Best of luck in the college search.</p>

<p>"And just for reference, I am my son's father, a he. Best of luck in the college search."</p>

<p>Oops, sorry for making a wrong assumption! I didn't see an obvious gender reference and goofed on my guess.</p>

<p>Thank you for the information. My daughter will be going there to audition this month. It sounds like it will be worth the trip. She wanted to audition for both musical theater and commercial music but they said she had to choose. Do you have any advice on the auditions at Belmont?</p>

<p>My son auditioned in 2001 as a violinist, so my advice would not be too pertinent. I do remember they were very supportive and encouraging. I expect the voice faculty to be the same. It seems to be a nuturing environment. </p>

<p>I did mention the Commercial Voice is one of the two largest programs. I'm sure the musical theatre is much smaller. I think you have the potential to get lost in the crowd in commercial voice. Many, many kids audition and major in Commericial Voice. My son did play in the pit for the MT productions and thought they had a good MT program. He was raised around singers so he knows good voices. </p>

<p>I would imagine that the vocal component of Belmont's MT program may be the strongest, given the school attracts many good singers. But I'm sorry I don't know more about the MT program there. My daughter, a junior in HS, is considering MT, but not at Belmont. She wants to go to a school different from her brother. Good luck with the auditions.</p>

<p>Sorry I can't be more helpful, but a girl I was in choir with a few years ago ended up going to Belmont. I didn't really know her personally, but she had an incredibly gorgeous voice. So if she's any indication, then they definitely attract some good talent.</p>

<p>To those who visited/auditioned on the 20th, how did you feel about Belmont? The music school? How did your audition go? I feel pretty good about how I did but the competition was big. (commercial music-voice) I have some reservations about the school though. Just wanted to hear feedback from other ppl about it</p>

<p>My daughter auditioned in music education at Belmont on 1/20 but we have not heard anything yet. She was not impressed by the campus but she does recognize that Nashville would be a wonderful place to live that would offer many opportunities. Our newest problem is that she received notice yesterday that she has been accepted at Berklee in Boston. We are now planning a trip to check out the Berklee campus since neither of us have visited the campus. She is also considering a school in Oklahoma City. She is confident that she did well in her Belmont audition. She talked to a current student of Belmont during her audition day who told her that she wished she had looked at Berklee before choosing Belmont. </p>

<p>I hope she makes her ultimate decision based on her own opinions and not those of others.</p>

<p>I personally know three singers who have had good careers in music, who graduated from Belmont. All have done something in church related music, but all did quite well in opera competitions. Good luck!</p>

<p>Anyone know anything about the Theatre program? I’ve been admitted as a Theatre Major, but I love music too, and that’s really why I like Belmont. Can I double major in Music Business and Theatre? I play guitar all the time and I love it.</p>

<p>Anyone here have any knowledge or experience submitting dvd audition to Belmont?</p>

<p>I’m a junior at a small Christian school, and I recently toured Belmont University while I was in Nashville for a music festival. I toured Vanderbilt and Belmont, and though Vanderbilt is a wonderful place, I just didn’t feel like it was a fit for me. On the other hand, I absolutely fell in love with Belmont, and I feel like it could be the university I choose to attend. I feel like there is a sense of individuality and a warm, welcoming feeling and presence. I love the fact that it is a smaller school, and that it is a Christian school as well. I absolutely love music, so I feel like Nashville will be a good city for me to be in too. I want to be at a college where I can create a life and a thriving career, but also be around my passion for music and remain involved in a Christian community. I plan to major in Communication Studies and I am also considering doing a double-major. Basically, if anyone can give me personal info or anything you’ve heard about the school, that’d be great. I’ve been on the tours and what not, but having a personal opinion and a second pair of eyes would be great. They say they’re a Christian school, but is Christ truly at the center of all things? Is the student body proud of where they are, and do they have a desire to learn and expand their horizons, while being in a Christian environment? What is there to do on campus (from a student’s point of view)? Is getting to and from downtown Nashville fairly easy? Does anyone know about their Communication major? Anything you can give me info on is greatly appreciated!! Thank you! :)</p>

<p>My D has a friend who was a Music Business major at Belmont, but left, in part, due to the pervasive Christian atmosphere there. That’s just one person’s opinion, but I guess, for her, Belmont was a very Christian school. (As opposed to my D’s school, which is supported by our denomintation, but is very decidedly secular!)</p>

<p>S auditioned last year for Belmont. I loved the school-I am an RN and their nursing building was top notch. S didn’t get the college “feel” there-felt way too small. Heads up-they have many more applicants than open spots and therefore the emphasis on academics is high. Our student panel said parking if you live off campus is a nightmare and there are not enough practice rooms if you are a music major. We noticed a huge drum store about 4 blocks south from campus had bars on the windows and doors but the houses were nice close to campus.</p>