benefits of early action

Is there really a benefit to applying early action to SUNY Binghamton? Does it increase the likelihood of getting in and/or getting a scholarship? My son’s stats are not outstanding: ACT-33, GPA (from a dual curriculum high school) UW - about 89. Some EC’s and 300 hours volunteer work (not required by school). He did not take the writing portion of the ACT. Let’s say his admission essay is average (I really have no idea.) Should I push him to apply EA or does it not matter? Thanks.

sorry - forgot to say that the majority of his classes throughout high school have been AP and honors.

@margarett First off, I would say that a 33 act score is pretty outstanding. I know it may not be for a person with a 36 but the average act in the usa is 20.5 so don’t be so modest. The gpa may not be outstanding but with alot of honor and A/P courses that equates to a mid 90’s gpa most likely.

As far as EA goes, there is no real advantage, however, it does show some added interest. There are many EA candidates that are deferred. Many of them eventually do get in through regular admission. But no, there is no REAL advantage but why not have your son get it over with and hear something early rather than later? It does not cast extra, lol, it is not a binding decision, so what is the negative to applying EA?

My son applied EA to Bing and his thought process was he rather hear by Jan 15th rather than April 15th. His gpa is a 95 and he scored a 32 on the ACT twice.

Now, we have to just wait and hope for the best. He applied to the SOM which is very competitive so we shall see.

Good Luck

Thanks, euve69. My concern is that if he is deferred, his application would somehow “get lost” amongst the thousands of others who apply regular admission.

@margarett I do not think that will be an issue whatsoever. If your son applied RD his application would still be in a group of thousands so there is no disadvantage to EA in my opinion. The upside is that your son may get an acceptance a few months earlier. Worst case scenario is he gets deferred and gets put in the regular pool.

thanks euve69 for taking the time to respond!

It is really a stress buster to have a nice acceptance in hand. He will know that he has a good plan, even if other things are not falling into place as he had hoped.

thanks, gardenstategal. So you see no downside?