<p>Hi all. I was just wondering if anybody has ever gotten an exemption for the $300 advance payment? I called today and got a reduction, it's now $150. Still, this is more than my family can spare at the moment--we're super low income, with 0 EFC and all that. So I'm planning to call again on Tuesday, but I just want to know beforehand if it was possible to reduce the $150 even lower. Thank you in advance! :)</p>
<p>ps, does anybody here live at foothill? i got the double suite offer even though it's not even one my choices...</p>
<p>I am not sure if it can go any lower than that. However, you are not actually losing money by paying the fee. You will eventually get reimbursed once financial aid awards are distributed near the beginning of the semester.</p>
<p>Just a piece of advice: You should switch to a triple in Stern if you’re a girl or a triple in the units if you’re that concerned about money. Financial aid gives people with similar EFCs the same package, so it’s in your best interests to lower your costs as they will not give you more money just because your housing is more expensive. You will probably end up paying $1000-2000 in “outside” money to cover your Foothill suite. Berkeley’s package for people with EFC of zero still requires you/your parents to come up with around $5000 (for housing because unless you get a triple finaid will not cover it all, books, living expenses, etc.) for the academic year.</p>
<p>@stevenboi27: ohh thank you! i didn’t know that; i’m bit relieved now. 
@arduouspallor: thanks for the advice. i was wondering by $5000, do you mean in loans? cuz i already accepted the 5k in loans from finaid. And yes, i’m definitely going to email reshall to request a change. foothill is too expensive, especially a double suite.</p>
<p>I suggest transfering into a unit triple. The most affordable option there is and very easy for you to get transfered to since there are lots of unit triple spaces available. With 5k in loans and an EFC of 0, expect to get 1.5k back each semester to spend and splurge!
I would suggest saving that sum though so you don’t have to take as much loans out for next year or the summer.</p>
<p>@bansun I meant that if you kept your Foothill suite, your parents/you will have to find outside money (ie: in bank loans, etc.) to cover the added expense. If you switch to a triple, you’ll save probably $3000. So with a triple, you/your parents will pay around $2000 in outside money, usually for books and extra food, among other living expenses.</p>
<p>thank you guys for the fast responses! this whole random housing offer thing has been stresssing me out lol.
@steven: Thanks! i didn’t know that unit triple was easy to switch into cuz unit 3 was my top choice. I thought the units were the most coveted dorms, or at least that’s what the housing office lady told me on the phone. she suggested i consider stern. and yay for extra money! lol
@arduous: Thanks! i’ll be keeping that in mind. college students do really have it tough eh. Man if only college wasn’t so much like a business out to suck students and parents’ pockets dry…</p>
<p>Bansu - Stevenboi is incorrect. The units are the hardest to transfer into. They are the most requested location for transfers and there is no guarantee you’d be transferred there. If you are a girl, I’d recommend Stern. It costs the same as the Units. Also I would suggest you not take more than you need in loans. The last thing you want is to come out of college with 20K in debt because you splurged.</p>
<p>^ thanks for the advice! haha, I played it safe and did include Stern as a choice on my transfer request. So yeah, hopefully I’ll be able to get out of the expensive Foothill. As for the loans, I already accepted it, but according to the contract, I can return unused portions within the school year and still be fine. So I guess I’ll try to save as much as I can and return whatever I don’t need! ;)</p>