Berkeley only good for Graduates?

<p>Hey I am a senior applying right now, and I Want to major in Bioengineering field.
I have preferred mostly small schools since I did not like the big atmosphere where I would have to struggle to apply for a course (Even these courses with tons of people!)</p>

<p>but since Berkeley is national top 3rd in Engineering, and by readin some articles about Berkeley Engineering, I kind of think it may be better to go there than other small schools.</p>

<p>some of my friends say berkeley is only good for graduates but not for undergrads.
Can someone tell me more about Berkeley Undergraduate Engineering courses?</p>

<p>Since you can't get a job in bioengineering, I think you should choose the school with the strongest research program (in bioengineering) of the ones you get admitted to. Note that you can apply into bioengineering grad school from almost any major but it's much harder to apply with a BS in bioengineering into another program. Thus, you shouldn't feel compelled to major in bioengineering in undergrad even if your intention is to study BioE for grad school.</p>

<p>berkeley is definitely known more for research and graduate school education.</p>

<p>the undergrad eng courses are tough as hell. average gpa is 2.7</p>

<p>Coming back to Cal for grad isn't unheard of.</p>

<p>Thank you very much guys</p>

<p>If I am willing to go to grad school concerning my major, will it be difficult to go to good schools if I go to Berkeley? (All those tough courses and average GPA of 2.7 and rare opportunities to get in touch with professors)
Any other opinions about Berkeley concerning my situation would be all welcomed :)</p>

<p>it's also possible to take graduate engineering courses as an undergrad</p>

<p>Berkeley’s slight grade deflation is well known. What grad schools (including good ones) will also know is the strength of Berkeley’s engineering programs, and take that into account.</p>