Berkeley ? UCLA?

I am currently a high school sophomore in second semester. My school doesn’t use weighted grades. My freshman year, i got a 3.833 gpa both semesters. This year i took AP physics and pre calculus and the other classes most sophomores take. I got a 3.5 gpa first semester. However, i learned from my mistakes and this year I am confident that i can get a 4.0 this current semester (unweighted). I plan to take 3 AP classes my junior and senior year each.This would mean i took 7 AP classes total. I hope my unweighted gpa at the end of my junior year of high school will be about 3.86. I also did decent on my PSAT 1380/1520 without studying and I think i can get it to at least 1450 with some work. I also think i can get a high SAT score.

I also am in two varsity sports, track and cross country. I have been doing varsity track since freshman year. However, i only did cross country this year(sophomore). As far as extra curriculars I am in speech and debate which i have been doing since middle school. I am also vice president of a club I helped to start this year. My club has raised money and ic currently sponsoring 10 children in third world countries.

With all of this background info how would i look when applying to college specifically top tier schools like Berkeley or UCLA.

UC’s do not use Freshman grades in their UC GPA calculation:

At the end of Junior year, you need to calculate your UC GPA. UCLA/UCB will look at your unweighted/capped weighted and Fully weighted GPA.

You are on the right track with GPA and test scores and your EC’s are fine but nothing stands out to differentiate you from the many other qualified students. Make sure you spend time on your essays when the time comes to complete your applications.

Also make sure you apply widely, have at least 2 safety schools where your stats are above the 75th percentile, are affordable and you would be willing to attend.