Do UCs actually use the UC GPA for admissions or no?

My freshman year, I had four B’s first semester, but the second semester I got my grades up and only ended with one A-. Since then I have gotten one B+ first semester sophomore year in AP Physics but all A’s and A-'s since. I started IB this year and have maintained straight A’s. My unweighted UC GPA is much higher than my school unweighted GPA and if I want to get into schools like UCLA and UCB, should I be worried about my school’s unweighted? Do the UCs, especially UCLA and USB, care about your unweighted GPA reported from your school or ONLY consider the UC gpa?

UC’s only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation. As long as you passed your a-g courses Freshman year, you will be fine. The UC’s look at the Unweighted UC GPA, Capped weighted UC GPA (for eligibility and most often listed on Freshman profiles) and the Fully weighted UC GPA (unlimited weighted classes).

They will look at all your grades including Freshman year and all classes in progress Senior year for HS course rigor. They will not use your HS’s unweighted or even weighted GPA since not all HS courses especially Honors are UC approved for the extra weighting.

UC’s do not require your final HS transcripts until you are admitted and enrolled, so they will only see the courses and grades you report on your UC application (which need to match your HS transcript).

So at the end of Junior year, calculate out your 3 UC GPA’s, check the Freshman profiles on the UC website and see where you stand.