<p>So D has been working on prep for the September setting for the ACT. This will be her one and only pass, as she will attempt the SAT again in October if necessary. She has been using the ACT site, but has exhausted all the practice tests. Three weeks before the exam - are there any other sites which will offer GRADED practice exams?</p>
<p>Three weeks, god. Three weeks.</p>
<p>Thanks, Dr, I’m sure D will find these helpful!
She says just doing practice exams works best for her because it forces her to adhere to the time constraints.</p>
<p>You’re welcome. I have saved tons of SAT practice tests that some kids from CC posted, but D2 never used it. What a waste. :D</p>
<p>do you have pointers to any PSATS?</p>
<p>PSAT is the same as SAT. But the link to those SATs were removed once the student posted them because it was against some rules from Collegeboard.</p>
<p>My son used Sparknotes ACT Power Pack and he thought it definitely helped him. It has two workbooks, SparkCharts, and a bunch of flashcards and two study guides among other things. He scored a 35 composite so I think it was worth it. I don’t know if this is still available or not as this was two years ago.</p>