Best and Worst Frosh Dorms?

<p>Which dorms are the best for freshmen (and why!!). Which dorms should I stay away from (and Why!). Thanks!</p>

<p>PS - I have not sent in my deposit yet, as I am still waiting for acceptances from other schools. If I wait too long (deadline is May 1), will I lose out with getting my 1st choice.</p>

<p>The Freshman towers are your best bet (Hecht and Stanford) as they allow you to meet a core group of friends in your floor, and you're constantly around other people in the same situation as you.</p>

<p>Hecht has a nicer lobby and better elevators, but other than that there's not too much difference between the two towers, and the rooms are exactly the same.</p>

<p>You probably will lose out on your first choice (which should be Hecht) if you wait too long, but it's a sort of random process.</p>

<p>lol, well from what I saw... the dorms all look like a prison cell. i'm sure youll have a great time in any dorm though. you'll get a chance to meet many people.</p>

<p>are there any other options for freshman?</p>

<p>hecht, stanford, eaton, mahoney, pearson, or off campus</p>

<p>that's it...unless you came in with an ungodly amount of credits in which case you can apply to apartment living</p>

<p>do those fill up quick with upperclassmen though?</p>

<p>yea i mean we just started housing (i'll be a soph in the fall) and the university village is full already, most upperclassmen go to mahoney and pearson and eaton...</p>

<p>i'm in hecht right now and it's definitely your best bet...the rooms are absolutely fine and you're not only on a floor you get to know very quickly with 40 other girls (or guys) but you're constantly in contact with other people in the same boat as you</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>anything else i can help with, please ask</p>

<p>I have to agree with burgular though, the tower dorms looked like prison cells. But w/e, gotta do what you gotta do.</p>

<p>the walls are whitewashed, but you've got plenty of furniture, a ton of space to store stuff, and you can paint the walls, throw up a ton of posters, plant some tvs, and you've got a really nice prison cell in no time</p>

<p>lol thanks</p>

<p>do they have A/C?</p>

<p>ha yes they sure do, every place on campus is air conditioned</p>

<p>well that's good. Miami's so hot and humid. I live in Orlando and it's def. not as humid or hot.</p>

<p>Music majors should take note that while the towers are very similar, Stanford has music practice rooms, and Hecht does not.</p>

<p>the walk from hecht to stanford is about 30 seconds, so it shouldn't be a big deal, hecht has far nicer lobby, elevators, etc.</p>

<p>there are alternative choices this year for freshmen...mahoney is offering i believe three floors of freshmen themed housing and there is also strive, which is located in pearson and thats the leadership and service living community.</p>

<p>if you dont want a themed floor, definitely stick to the towers for your freshman year. it really is the best way to meet ppl. and in regards to which is better, they both look the same, but the community feel in hecht far outweighs that in stanford. i've never lived in either stanford or hecht so im not biased, but even from the outside its easy to tell hecht does a lot more in comparison to stanford</p>

<p>What's the best in terms of partying/social life? I don't care as much about the rooms being nice, I come from prep school so I'm used to sh-tty dorm rooms.</p>

<p>Go to the towers for a social life. It is a great place to meet new people as a freshman.</p>

<p>As far as I know, the bathrooms are communal. Any comment on how good/bad they are?</p>

<p>bathrooms aren't side has plenty of showers, one side has plenty of stalls, and the two other sides have sinks and a wall-length mirror</p>