Best and worst PASSHE school?

It might well change, if the new PASSHE programs receive accreditation.

I don’t know much about engineering either, but I knew about the ABET program search tool.

My D is in pharmacy school and my S wants to study music education.

This is what I came up with my search. Not perfect but most definitely adding more and moving forward. Folks like to shoot down PASSHE but we have some decent opportunity. I think and hope those opportunities will continue to move forward.
SRU’s ABET Programs:
Computer Science, BS
Information Technology, BS

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology

Shippensburg:2 engineering programs with ABET


Edinboro ABET

Millersville ABET

Bloomsburg ABET

East Stroudsburg ABET

West Chester ABET

New Programs

Well, @InfiniteWaves, remember to come back and post your thoughts after your visits.

I think I’ve posted here before that my BIL’s daughter went to Ship and loved it. She has even gone back after graduating to visit her former teachers. Her sister attended Drexel, they live near Philly, so funds weren’t an issue, she just fell in love w/ Ship.

@sparkleybarkley Do you happen to remember when Bloom let your son know about any scholarships? So far D18 hasn’t received anything other than the acceptance. She did do the scholarship app a while ago.

DD would still like to consider them, but told her she needs to see how the finances work out.

Financial aid packages will probably take a while yet too.

But Pell is based on FAFSA EFC and should be the same at any school, and PHEAA grant is based mostly on published tuition and fees cost, FAFSA EFC and Pell grant amount, so should be similar between the two PASSHE schools.

On the Bloomsburg website it says that you can apply for scholarships starting in November and priority deadline is January 15th. I wonder if they start sending out awards after that?

Apparently they have a BOG scholarship too (see link above). You might want to inquire if that requires a separate application.

Thanks @mommdc. I think you had posted earlier about the scholarship applications at Bloom and DD did apply. I just know @sparkleybarkley had posted about her son’s awards at WCU & BLoom, so just wondered about the timeline on Bloom as WCU already awarded.

Looking at the BOG at Bloom, I will have DD take a look at it as well.

@laralei He received the letter from Bloom on Dec. 13th. I was told he received the highest merit scholarship they offered. The Board of Governor scholarship at Bloom is not the same as West Chester. West Chester offers a BOG to stem students (merit) which is what your daughter received (full tuition). I believe Blooms BOG is more for students with financial need not merit (although I could be wrong). When we did the math Bloom and West Chester came close on price even though West Chester gave him free tuition their housing was more. So the price was close between both schools. My son choose Bloom because he felt that West Chester was too large and spread out for him. He just felt more comfortable with the campus. That being said he just finished his first semester. He did struggle a bit in his computer science class but its a difficult major and he passed so…He also did extremely well in his honors classes and says he loves being there. He is going to apply to be a math tutor next semester so hopefully he can make a few bucks. I did read somewhere that financial aid packages were coming out a bit later because of all the cuts in the grant program. But my guess is that your daughter will get some type of merit scholarship and soon (fingers crossed for her). Did she get an invite to apply to the honors program for Bloom yet?

^This is what it says on the BU website. I think the BOG scholarship is only for instate students, FAFSA must be filed, and it mentions financial need.

@mommdc yea I didn’t click the link until after I made the post. Its actually a lot of great info in that link so thanks.

Looking at the BOG scholarship at Bloom, it looks like it is a separate application from their general one?

Did your son apply specifically for it @sparkleybarkley? It certainly seems more intensive than the one at WCU.

Also, glad he did well his first semester. Though he struggled, I am glad he is doing well and enjoying his time there; it goes so fast. Also, I remember the tour guides mentioning about becoming a tutor for extra money, so nice option!

The one difference in the housing is that WCU’s traditional dorms can save almost $4K on the housing costs; Blooms not as much of a savings. I will have to delve into a little deeper. D18 is not happy to have to consider the traditional dorms, but I can’t see spending that money unnecessarily. I thought they were perfectly fine when we were there, for both schools. I told her she can always move up to better options in the future.

@laralei my son did not get the BOG at Bloom nor did he apply for it. He received an Academic Excellence Scholarship. He didn’t apply for that either the letter just came. The only scholarship at Bloom that he did apply for was one that is for families who had a member in the Air Force. But he didn’t get that one. So the scholarship that he did receive was a happy surprise because he never applied for it.

@laralei also if it helps my son is living in a traditional dorm. He lives in honors housing and it’s a basic dorm with a communal bathroom. The cost of the housing is 3040.00 and he has the highest meal plan 19 meals a week and its 1425.00. if that helps any. All in all its pretty much 20,000 a year not including books.

Thank you @sparkleybarkley, I’m sure you have posted on this before, but it can sometimes get a little too time consuming to go back and search, my time is so limited & on a hinkey laptop that seems to be engaged in battle with me, one I often lose.

DD came home today & has committed herself to attending WCU. She looked at the Bloom BOG scholarship & it didn’t appeal to her. Also, quite a few kids she knows are going to Bloom, which is unusual, because I don’t remember it being that way, & she doesn’t want to go to same school as them.

She did apply for WCU Honor’s College & has an interview in Jan or Feb. She hates doing that kind of thing, so she much truly have made up her mind.

Guess I can now throw away ALL the college stuff I have been keeping around, just in case. :slight_smile:

Congrats, @laralei, and best of luck to your daughter for honors college! Please keep posting back here to let us know her progress!



Thanks all. I hope everyone is enjoying having their kids home for break.

There was a post I saw about Shippensburg & Pitt. I suggested they re-post here, though I see some. @bester1, have already contributed. :slight_smile:

I think @bester1 is the best at posting some of these articles, but I don’t see it so another PASSHe article of interest.

I wonder how long it would take before they would implement this, or if they could afford to?

I completed my undergraduate at IUP in 2012 and currently back for my masters in 2018. I chose IUP over my hometown schools (Edinboro, Mercyhurst and Gannon) primarily because of cost and campus atmosphere and prestige of education- initially I attended a small private school but after seeing the first trimester tuition bill of around 8 grand and multiplying that by 3 I knew I’d be over 20k in debt per year. And I was and still am fully paying my own way through school. IUP was very generous with grants and I’m currently getting a full Graduate assistant tuition waiver. Ended up with about 10 to 15k in debt from my bachelors, moved back in with family and pursued work semi related to my career (nonprofit/communication) and paid it off within five years. My review of IUP and advice is if they have your program of interest than I’d consider it. Super easy to get around campus, lots within walking distance and a free bus system. Plenty of student clubs and organizations to get involved with, which to me is thee most important factor cause it shows the College administration is Student focused. Major red flag if a school has a weak student clubs scene because it shows they don’t care about the full student experience. Pretty campus, lots of nature, plethora of dining options etc. as for the cons, unfortunately all you parents who see suite style housing as the prime important factor, I believe that’s what has contributed to the major decline in social atmosphere at IUP. Students are now reclused to their amenities and stay in their rooms, whereas old style dorms it was easier for students to leave doors open and or hangout outside more compared to the newer ones which usually resemble an old folks home Or assisted living space lol. I believe this was intentional from admistration to change the negative I Usually Party reputation that IUP is still known for , but unless you’re connected to the Greek life, it’s very difficult to get into the partying scene since they’ve cracked down so much. Which is a shame because it used to be thriving here. With that said, your student may have a hard time making friends and fitting in because of the difficulty of a hindered social scene but if they focus on academics and get involved in clubs they will do better.

Interesting perspective, @AllMyRelations - thank you for posting. One thing I might suggest is that the suite style dorms are not the culprit, at least not from my perspective. I had them in the Stone Ages (aka 1980s) and we had tons of community/dorm spirit and interaction. The problem, which has become pervasive even since you were there in 2012 and earlier, is the dang social media addiction. I see it with my kids, who would rather stare at a screen than just about anything. Even when they have their friends over, they all sit around and stare at their screens. UGH.

And @laralei - thanks so much for that link; I’d missed that. I wonder whether we’ll see more aid - looks like can they start awarding it NOW. Of course, who knows whether they will…