Best Books for AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology?

I’m looking for the best self-study books (not just test reviews) for these three subject areas: AP Biology, AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology. Any advice and recommendations are greatly appreciated.

I’ll answer what I know well.

In AP Psych, read monographs and cross off from the list of standards if you really want to know the material. Write essays to remember it. This does not apply though if you just want AP credit. Psychology textbooks suck; they emphasize rote memorization.

Always use Barron’s. They overprepare you for the test

For AP Bio, I am using the green newest Barrons book. It is filled with good notes and practice questions, although it is pretty hardly worded. There is even 2 practice tests on the back, so that’s always a plus.

Barron is great as well as Sterling as there are lots of practice problems.

I bought both princeton review and barrons for self studying APES and AP psych and preferred princeton review. Taking a lot of notes and practice exams was very helpful.