<p>Hello everybody, I'm a senior planning on taking the AP environmental science and Biology exams through self-study. I need some suggestions on what textbooks/review books to use. I comprehensively browsed some sticky threads and now almost definetly planning to use cliffs and barrons to study for Biology. (Unless people have other suggestions) But I still need some books to help me prepare for the APES test. People recommended smartypants in a lot of the threads, but on amazon it didn't seem to receive good reviews. People also told me it wasn't comprehensive enough to self study. Anyone have suggestions on what books to use for APES?</p>
<p>I’m planning to self-study ES as well, and after reading a bunch of threads, I ordered Smartypants and PR. Haven’t started reading them yet, though.</p>
<p>Thanks for the response. I would like to clarify that I want to earn a 5 on the exam. Is barrons any good for environmental science?</p>
<p>I’m planning on self studying for AP Env Science next year if I can.</p>
<p>I’m Self-studying ES now and just finished Smartypants. (It’s REALLY short)</p>
<p>I’ll be taking a practice test in a while and see how well Smartypants has prepped me.</p>