<p>I was looking at some volunteer oppurtunities and I stumbled across the Best Buddies website. Apperently it is a really big organization dedicated to pairing middle school, high school, and college students with mentally disabled kids in their age group. I think it would be cool to start a chapter in my hs (2 other hs's in the county already have one). </p>
<p>Has anyone heard of/done this? Were people interested? The website has a chapter application form, but it needs to be filled out by some sort of administrator. If you started your schools chapter, how did you get approval and who did you ask? My school's admin is basically an organized mess, and I don't want to run around the whole school looking for info. How do I start a club? Should I ask a counselor, or go straight to the principal? I really don't know what to do!</p>
<p>At my school there is no formal organization or club, but if one wants to help out in the special education department one can apply (through interview) to help out either the group or even one of the students there, who are extremely isolated from the rest of the high school.</p>
<p>To start a club, it's best to type out (or print out, if the site has it) the purpose/mission of the program and what it will bring to the school (how it will benefit the community). At my school, the founders of a club usually start a petition and get about 200 signatures at the least (people who support it). Then they submit everything to the activities director. If there is no Director of Activities, Program Director, etc., then I guess you should direct everything to the principal at the end.</p>