<p>I am currently a cadet at the United States Air Force Academy and I was wondering what would be the best route for me to take in regards to business. The Academy has fine management department. My plan is to major in Systems Engineering Management and then serve five years in the Air Force as an Acquisitions and Finance Officer. Then get out. get my M.B.A. and make some serious money in the Civilian world. Would S.E.M. or just Management in general be a good major for me in regards for a marketable job in the future? Would it look better on my resume to say that I was an Air Force Officer with experience handling millions of dollars worth of equipment in a leadership position or are there better opportunities for me at a Civilian college to find a job more profitable?</p>
<p>Graduating from USAFA guarantees a job straight out of college. What are my chances in getting a good job out of a Civilian college with a degree related to business? Should I stay put here or transfer? Thanks for the help!</p>