Best Buy Scholarship Problems?

<p>Is anyone else having trouble logging on to the Best Buy Scholarship application? I was able to about 30 minutes ago, but now I keep getting this error page so I can't access it, and the deadline is tonight ..</p>

<p>yeah, i seem to be having the same problem. hopefully it is fixed soon, or maybe the deadline will be extended. i was reading in a different thread that it was last year. keep your fingers crossed this is pretty lame</p>

<p>Yeah, hopefully :frowning: I’m sending help requests regarding the problem, so maybe they’ll take notice and try to accommodate for it. I’m so close to submitting it, but every time I press ‘Save and Continue,’ it gives me the error screen again. <em>crosses fingers</em></p>

<p>I did mine last week and it went through fast, they must just be busy.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m like seriously kicking myself in the butt for delaying the submission. I was at the last page just now but I guess Best Buy took it down temporarily due to high activity and is putting it back up later. Maybe they’re changing the deadline.</p>

<p>I think it’s just busy. I submitted mine last night (with no probs) and when I checked this morning to look over a few things, I couldn’t sign in.</p>

<p>Has anyone got the site working again? Darn, I hate myself for procrastinating. I just didn’t feel like clicking the submit button. hope the date is extended.</p>

still not working.</p>

<p>I guess we’re out of luck then. The website said that the deadline passed. Lesson learned I guess? :(</p>

<p>You all should call them/email them/annoy the heck out of them until they do something about it! It’s totally not fair that just because their website was dysfunctional the day the scholarship was due, all of these people can’t apply. It’s not like people are obligated to apply early… so they can’t hold it against you if their website wasn’t working. Seriouslyy, everybody should bother them until they extend the deadline :)</p>

<p>Anyone know how to contact them? I couldn’t find an appropriate Contact Us area.</p>

<p>1-888-bestbuy (1-888-237-8289)
<a href=""></a></p>

<p>It’s annoying because they have to direct you to different lines, but when you finally get to talk to the person, don’t be nice! Lol, they’ll say dumb things like, ‘oh the website was working fine… it’s your fault’ when obviously the site was down the whole day. If enough people tell them that and complain, they have to do something. Same with email, say it clearly :)</p>

<p>haha, that’s funny foodzeatr. Best buy can’t fault you for being a procrastinator. Yeah, I guess I’ll email them too. Though i don’t know if these businesses will respond.</p>

<p>Well, there’s also nothing wrong with being finished with the application days before the due date and waiting to check it over one last time the morning of the due date, only to find that clicking the submit button over and over again only resulted in error pages… right? lol :)</p>

<p>I was having the same problems over and over again last night. But I knew it was due to server overload, so I persisted (meaning refresh 2-3 times each time I wanted to go to the next page or add something). I got it submitted in time eventually as well…</p>

<p>But yeah, they should’ve extended the deadline for the server issue.</p>

<p>I had problems with the website too :confused: I didn’t make the deadline because every time I tried to add another activity it would take forever to process/then the page wouldn’t load/none of my info got saved.</p>

<p>I sent them a help request but they got back to me earlier today and said there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Sigh.</p>

<p>This reminds me of the KFC Scholars scholarship which I missed because of the same reason…lol</p>

<p>Luckily I got my Best Buy one in waaaaay earlier. :D</p>

<p>i didnt get all of my volunteer info in (it kept deleting it for whatever reason) but i managed to get off what i had at 11:57. wow.</p>

<p>Thanks for the lessons learned. We’re juniors, but I really wanted to enter it. Now the deadline is past. I knew it was in February. Well, will do it right away next year.</p>

<p>Anyone know anything about the Byrd scholarship? Eligibility kind of vague. Do you have to go to a state school, or can you go out of state or in state to a private school? Also, do you just have to prove you registered for the draft?</p>

<p>Should we apply for all these scholarships junior year, or wait until senior year? Worried will forget with all the craziness. </p>

<p>Also, can any of these help pay high school tuition? Our HS is going to be 6700 next year. No driver’s license again this year.</p>

<p>^ apply both years haha. And trust me, you won’t forget. After college app season is all over, it feels as if life/spare time has no meaning anymore. You always feel as if you should be doing something to improve essays/applications/etc and finaid and scholarships have been doing that for me.</p>

<p>I wonder what I’ll do when school lets out… o__o.</p>