<p>What's the best one hour class session you've ever had that could be replicated in another classroom?</p>
<p>I think it’s annoying when people post the same generic thread five or six times in different forums. And I don’t even really get your question.</p>
<p>But this one time, in third grade, we had a gun threat (inner city school ftw) and got to go outside and play kickball for the rest of the day and have a pizza picnic for lunch. It was really effing awesome, so I would say that.</p>
<p>^ Having all the kids on the playground made them safe from bullets… how??</p>
<p>I was thinking the same thing, Butternut!</p>
<p>That would have to be when my biology teacher invented a dance for the amino acid structure and we spent the whole class period singing and dancing and wildly flailing our arms about. All in the name of biology! Cooh-amino-C-H &R!</p>
<p>Cooh-amino-C-H &R</p>
<p>hahahaha :P</p>
<p>^ You should check out YouTube. I don’t know the name of the video, but there’s a video somewhere on there of a bunch of students dancing out the DNA to RNA to protein process. It’s awesome; my AP bio teacher showed us part of it once.</p>
<p>I have no idea. It made us about as safe as you would be hiding under your desk during tornadoes.</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - protein synthesis dance](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmqhdozuf7Y]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmqhdozuf7Y)</p>
<p>Many years ago a student made an assertion in my high school class. The teacher asked the student why he or she felt that way. The answer was that it was stated in a particular book. The teacher became so genuinely upset at the idea that one should believe something because it was in print that it made a lasting impression on me.
Of course the teacher was right on the merits, but it was also so obviously unsettling to the teacher that it made a life time impression on me.
I still yell back at books as much as I do the nightly news.</p>