<p>Where can I find quanlity coffee around campus? No starbucks, moffin cafe, campus, milano..... please. Thanks.</p>
<p>Pete’s is always good, and originally from Berkeley (City), if I remember correctly. I believe there’s one a little ways down Telegraph.</p>
<p>Strada on College/Bancroft.</p>
<p>peet’s ?</p>
<p>^ Whoops, my bad. Ya, I spelled it wrong.</p>
<p>Gorilla Cafe (Shattuck), Nefelli’s (North Side), Cafe Espresso and Cole’s Coffee (down College).</p>
<p>Ohhh yes Nefelli’s is good. Very elitist looking place. I have been to Peet’s, and it’s good, but something about Nefelli’s – it’s at Hearst meets Euclid, right from the standard exit at the North Side of campus.</p>
<p>Never tried Strada coffee, though I’ve been there.</p>
<p>Peet’s is so standard. Only marginally better than starbucks, imo. Really, if you want a good coffee find a place that does individual drip (I think one just opened near Derby and College – like a 5 minute walk from Bancroft).</p>
<p>You want coffee, right? And not espresso?</p>
<p>“You want coffee, right? And not espresso?”</p>
<p>Geez, so picky yeah there’s a difference, though I loop them all together and recommend whatever’s best tasting + has best effect to me.</p>
<p>There’s a huge difference. For instance, Cole’s is by far the best place for coffee (cafe) in the East bay, but serves only average/good espresso. Usually, you’ll find better coffee in places that put more emphasis on the beans themselves, whereas for espresso the machine used and barista operating make the main difference. The espresso bean has nowhere near the same variation in taste as does the multiple types used in regular coffee.</p>
<p>Coffee is serious business, ok??</p>