<p>What is your favorite course at Cornell?
What class do you recommend a Cornellian to take before he/she graduates?
What is a really good/interesting class?</p>
<p>wines, the class about mushrooms (PAM something), pysch 101</p>
<p>Wines and Earthquake!</p>
<p>btw is wines actually hard?</p>
<p>no…not at all</p>
<p>I got a near perfect score on the 1st prelim and did very well on the final…get TakeNote and you’re golden</p>
<p>Other than wines, anything else?
I am talking about useful/interesting classes, who cares about mushrooms?</p>
<p>why does PAM teach about mushrooms?!!! PAM = policy analysis and management.</p>
<p>lol it’s not PAM</p>
<p>It’s PLPA 201 (Plant Pathology): Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds.</p>
<p>Intro to psych is always touted as one of the must-takes.</p>
<p>haha ok that makes a lot more sense
I was like what?! am I applying for the right major?</p>
<p>I really liked Food Science 430: Understanding Wines and Beers. It was even better than the hotel Wines class. And it had field trips to local wineries and breweries.</p>
<p>And Sociology of Science in STS is a pretty popular course too.</p>
<p>you took both? Wines AND Wines and Beers? lol. </p>
<p>I’ve been trying to choose and decided on Wines b/c it fit into my schedule. But I’ve heard good things about wines and beers class.</p>
<p>Has anyone taken any astronomy classes?</p>
<p>haha, why not? I took the Hotel one first, and I liked it so much that I took more. And a lot of Cornellians go in to the wine business, don’t you know.</p>
<p>what is Sociology of Science in STS?
whats popular about it</p>
<p>Government 181 taught by Professor Katzenstein…maybe a bit too much work for the 3 credits it’s worth but you’ll learn it all :D</p>
<p>I had a friend who took Understanding Wine and Beer…he didn’t like it and said he wished he took the HADM wines course instead…but I guess it’s a matter of preference</p>
<p>Any other interested courses that you recommend?</p>
<p>Is Earthquake! that good? The average is a B and people on ratemyprofessors gave pretty bad reviews about the professor. Yet I’ve heard it’s a popular class… why is that?</p>
<p>Also for Psych 101 Mass changed the policies this year( no more questions from old prelim at ALL, fewer extra credit points(Max of 3)) so I wonder how popular the class will be in the following years. The average for the first prelim was a low B </p>
<p>I’m taking Astro 101. It’s a great class. The professor is cool and the information you learn is great!! I even do the textbook readings cause I want to learn more even though its 100% not required to ace the class. I’m not taking the lab part though cause I don’t have time so I don’t know how that is. Oh and the class is Extremely easy…</p>
<p>Oh BioG 102/104 was interesting as well. But it’s only a 2 credit class</p>