Best dorm for engineering

Son is a chemical engineering major. We’ve been researching the suite dorms and can’t decide which one to choose. Any advice? He has no roommates as of yet and the first day to choose a dorm. Thanks!

My son too. Can choose the first day. Not going to search for a room mate, just get who he gets.

Bryant is the Engineering dorm according to the website.
It’d be nice to know where all the engineering(more particularly CS) majors live. I don’t know which one to pick either.

Yes, Bryant is the dorm according to the web site, but when we visited, our student tour guides hadn’t lived there. They said it’s a mix of engineering and athletic training (I can’t remember the exact name of the major, but some athletic major). They said the student athletes also live there and it costs extra to eat in the dining hall (meal swipe + $8, I think) because they have better food…steak and lobster at times! I thought they were kidding but they weren’t.

I would guess that a lot chose to live in the honors dorms, but that’s just a guess. @wolfwing123, Mine is also a CS major; leaning towards University of South Carolina but UA is a very close second.

My ds is currently a freshman CS major. He lives in an honors dorm, and many of his CS/engineering friends live there as well. As an aside, he eats brunch at Bryant and loves the food there (there is no upcharge for brunch/lunch, only an upcharge for dinner).

Bryant is a good option, I believe the rooms all come with full sized beds whereas the other dorms are twin.

Will your students be in honors? If so, then an honors dorm is also a good option.

He will be in the Honors college. He wasn’t into the Bryant dorm due to cost and the extra cost for dinner. I’ve been looking at the dorms online and like the light and layout in a couple. I wish he would take more interest in a roomie and dorm but he’s super laid back. Narrowing down for location and accessibility to the engineering quad. My husband went to the campus visit in October so I have no reference point. I am an Ohio State grad. Shhhhhhh! :slight_smile:

My ds will be an engineering student in the honors college and signed up for housing the first day available. His plan is to live in Ridgecrest with a friend from HS (who is also in the same major/honors college). How will he be notified of his time slot to pick a room? I see some people posting here that they already know what time slot they have. Where did you find that information? He has looked but said he couldn’t find it (he probably didn’t look too hard though).

@scaredtoletgo Check your Crimson email. They sent the details a couple of weeks back.

At this point he should be checking his Crimson email daily…he can set it up on his phone with notifications to be sure he does not miss anything.

Also, if your son’s in Engineering and got the Engineering scholarship, he has to accept it via his Crimson Email. Make sure he does that before it’s too late.

Hmmm - hadn’t realized it cost extra to live in Bryant. Apparently it does - another $400 per semester.

But if you can live with that, I wouldn’t worry about the extra cost for eating dinner at Bryant. No one says he has to eat there - most of the dorms do not have their own dining halls, so he’d likely be heading out for dinner wherever he lived.

And getting to eat brunch at Bryant (without having to walk across campus to get there) is a HUGE advantage, as is the proximity to the College of Engineering. My kid lives right next door to Bryant, and loves that location!

Thanks for the info! I am going to look at the map and see what dorms are close to Bryant. Must be a good brunch!

Actually, there aren’t any dorms in the immediate vicinity, so far as I know - but there are several small fraternity houses and special interest houses, including the house for the co-ed engineering fraternity. Not options for freshman year, but definitely something to look into for subsequent years.

And my kid eats brunch and dinner at Bryant. It costs him extra, but he says it’s absolutely worth it.

DS was in Ridgecrest West, Honors, and he is in engineering. Two of his roommates were in engineering as well; didn’t know that going in, as they never really had much contact with each other before move in…guys! :slight_smile: We looked mainly at the Ridgecrest East & West for housing. They were the Honors dorms and I think the layout was different than Ridgecrest North & South.

Any Honors dorm would be a good choice if you are looking for other engineering students.

Son is in RCW with 3 other engineers. He’s ME, and the other 3 are EE, BE, and IE. RCW is smaller ( only 4 floors) quieter and than RCS. Great location too. He also knows a handful of engineers in Bryant and rooms are a little smaller and more expensive.

My engineering son was one of many students in the “honors overflow” in Blount Hall. At least one of the three other guys in his “suite” was an engineer (although by the end of freshman year, I think only my kid remained in the CoE). The arrangements were made very late in the summer, so there was no “choosing” on my son’s part, but the roommate situation worked out just fine.

“Laid-back” guys don’t need a lot to be happy. This is a GOOD thing!