Best Economics Programs in Califronia

Applying to colleges in the fall of this year 2016 from a CCC. Should finish with a pretty high gpa and im just trying to narrow down my options in colleges. Which schools (beside UCB and UCLA of course) in California have good reputable economics programs that can set me on a good path to success after I graduate with my degree? I know I have to work hard and network myself but what ar some good schools that would atleast get my foot into the door with good job prospects afterwards? Thanks!


USC (Business) as well!

I was thinking of somewhere a little less expensive lol

UC Bekeley

I know about Berkley, What about other UCs in califronia? or any good CSU ?

Pre-PhD or pre-professional?

UCB, UCSD, UCI, UCSC, and Stanford have relatively more math oriented intermediate economics courses, if you intend to take the pre-PhD route or otherwise prefer more math. Pre-PhD economics majors should also take more advanced math like multivariable calculus and linear algebra before or after transfer (preferably before), and upper division courses like real analysis and calculus-based probability theory after transfer.

I want to enter the finance world after I get done with my bachelorette. Idk if I want to spend the time and effort to go back to get a phd in econ if I can just get a good IB job outta college