Best Essay

<p>What do you think was/is your best essay?</p>

<p>Mine is definitely the room mate essay.</p>

<p>My “Why Stanford?” essay!</p>

<p>intellectual vitality essay.</p>

<p>Intellectual vitality essay. And possibly my “Why Stanford” essay.</p>

<p>I actually quite liked all of the questions.</p>

<p>Finally done! yay, it feels good!</p>

<p>I think the most fun to write was the roommate essay, but when I read over all my other essays, I think my intellectual vitality one was my favorite.</p>

<p>But then, I think I really liked all my essays, I felt really genuine about everything I wrote. Hopefully it will pay off.</p>

<p>why stanford or roommate. i wish i liked my IV as much. but maybe its cause i read it 465747565734758645635684356784356784587x… :/</p>

<p>intellectual vitality one :)</p>

<p>my IV was definitely, absolutely my best one. then my Roommate essay, because it was more relaxed and showed my personality a little. </p>

<p>Why Stanford was probably my least favorite. Even though it came out well, it felt a little contrived because I just sucked up to Stanford and posted facts from their website, and there wasn’t much room to truly talk about why I wanted to go (other than a few sentences).</p>

<p>Perhaps you won’t get in if you didn’t tell them why you wanted to go there? Wasn’t that the point of the essay? </p>

<p>haha, jk. I used stats as well, but I also talked about how they applied to me. </p>

<p>Did anyone watch the “Discover Stanford.” video? I used some quotes from it in my essay! haha.</p>


yeah, that’s what i did. i looked in the viewbook, watched a couple videos (i think i watched that vid you mentioned) and wrote “there are 600 cultural and social student groups, and this great diversity appeals to me” blahzay blah type stuff.</p>

<p>but because of the word limit, i couldn’t really describe why that stuff was important to me. i felt like i was just saying it.</p>

<p>Ah, the roommate essay was definitely the easiest to write, but I thought my Why Stanford essay was the best.</p>

<p>I used the stat that more than 1/2 of undergads and the school of engineering are of color and it just naturally applied to me as I am Native American. </p>

<p>Lol, I thought that I had a really clever intro, talking about how Stanford first became my dream school because of its basketball team (in like 4th grade) and now tops the list for that reason (I’m a b-ball player) as well as others. It was brilliant. haha, not really, but hopefully they’ll appreciate it.</p>

<p>What did others write their “Roommate” essay on?</p>

<p>none of them, unfortunately.</p>

<p>^ same.
but if i HAD to pick - the roommate one</p>

<p>^ Mine was really quirky, just about my personality traits and stuff. Btw, I did write it as a letter to my roomie, and I don’t care if you think I’m wrong :p</p>

<p>My favorite part:
“I am absolutely an extrovert, so if you don’t appreciate late-night arguments over whether Socrates or Gandhi would win in a wrestling match, just ignore me. I’ll shut up eventually. By the way, the correct answer is Gandhi.” </p>

<p>My favorite essay was definitely IV, though. Knocked it out of the ballpark :)</p>

<p>Why and roommate.</p>

<p>Anyone agree with me? Gandhi would totally pwn Socrates (assuming Socrates existed ;))</p>