<p>(For undergrad school)
Any college sophomores juniors seniors or grads that studied medicine or business, in your experience what were some good classes to take your freshman year?</p>
<p>For medicine, in general, you’re going to need a year of: Chemistry, biology, physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. </p>
<p>Depends on what college you want to transfer to since each one requires different prerequisites.</p>
<p>Business depends on what colleges you plan to go to, because each school has different requirements. But definitely take some intro classes your freshman year. As for medicine, it’s best to start with whatever introductory Biology, Chemistry, and/or Calculus courses the school offers (not all medical schools require Calculus, but many do, and it is often a requirement for higher Economics courses).</p>
<p>Thanks for your responses!</p>
<p>In terms of medicine, is it a good idea to use AP credits for gen. chemistry and go straight to organic or is it better to just take general chem?</p>
<p>also, what’s the general rule for not overloading your schedule?</p>
<p>Many medical schools do not accept AP credit on pre-med course requirements, so if you skip introductory courses, you would need to substitute more advanced courses in the same subject areas. E.g. if you skip a semester of general chemistry, you would need to take a semester of more advanced chemistry course (not organic chemistry, as that is used for another pre-med course requirement) in its place for many medical schools. You may want to ask on the pre-med forum.</p>
<p>Before skipping an introductory level course with AP credit, it is generally a good idea to try the old final exams of that course from the college, to make sure that you know the material as expected by the college.</p>