Best IB Test Prep Books?

Which IB test prep books are your favorites for each subject?
Should I get them at the beginning of the school year to be studied along side regular homework or wait until closer to test time?

Do you test for English in Junior year or Senior year?

Some of your textbooks should be IB already, so that’ll cut down on the number of books you need to get to study outside of school. Honestly, IB is not like AP where you should be also following along in a study book to do well. For most, if not all, the course itself is the only prep you need to do, along with studying the materials you get then. That being said, I did use some.

IB Bio - IB Biology Study Guide by Oxford (it has a tiger on the cover)
TOK - IB TOK by Oxford (you don’t really need all of it, and your teacher should have some textbook you’ll use that’ll be fine. I wouldn’t purchase this)
English, History, Foreign Lang, Math - didn’t use a book, what we did in class was enough and the textbooks we had from them were sufficient.

Wait until your teacher mentions studying or prepping, as s/he’ll probably recommend a particular book or let you know you probably won’t need one.

I believe usually in senior, but it depends on whether you’re doing HL or SL and how your school does exams.

I wouldn’t go ahead and purchase study books until you’re actually in class and notice you need them, because more often than not, you will not.