Best looking prep schools

<p>Well, just as the title states...</p>

<p>Partially a joke, but it's interesting! The different demographics to each school (if there is a difference) is interesting, and even more so how much it's talked about!</p>

<p>Like the people? Or the campus? For the campus, I like Andover best. But the library at Exeter!!! sigh… do people make out in the library like they show in movies? (seniors making out behind the y-z section)</p>

<p>LOL. No silly this was YOUR idea! Remember? You said “someone should make a thread for this”. So I did. Lol…</p>

<p>And it’s people. About the library, maybe!? Haha, I don’t really know! I know that there are a couple places. My Exeter friend said something about not going to the church basement because people are always down there and you can’t concentrate on any work… lol, I really don’t know though–you’ll have to ask him!</p>

<p>Oh!!! yay!!! Thanks! :stuck_out_tongue: Oh. WOW. :smiley: sounds exciting. I think. :stuck_out_tongue: The guys in the exeter viewbook were not all the bad-looking. Guys in SoCal usually are not as hot as east coast guys. :D</p>

<p>really, i thought the guys were kinda…ugly. but i did see this hot older guy in the sports section ;)</p>

<p>hahaha. do you have your viewbook with you now? I like the first guy on the left on page 29. :stuck_out_tongue: I dug out my viewbook just for this occasion! :P</p>

<p>Haha! Really… good to know! No Thacher for me!</p>

<p>Yeah, Andover was nice, but preppy. Exeter was less preppy; more like shirt and tie. Andover was Hollister an A&F everyyywheereeeee. Oh, and UGGS - save me.</p>

<p>All in all, it’s just a fun, pointless topic (which often go hand-in-hand) and I’ll be thankful to get into either one</p>

<p>I thought the guy on the inside front cover was hot… the one reading?</p>

<p>I’m gonna go get mine as well - and Andover’s! God, a night with no homework is brutal, haha.</p>

<p>EDIT: Wait, whats a viewbook? Is it that wide, red thing? That has a big question mark on the front filled with different students faces?
Because page 29 has no people on it.</p>

<p>hmmm… yeah. good looking, but definitely not hot. :smiley: I like the guy wearing the white shirt on pg32 (I’m actually plotting cos(x) and cos(x)^2 on the same graph)</p>

<p>I love the shirt and tie. I’ve had enough of laid back socal chic for a lifetime!</p>

<p>mmoyan, are you a boy?</p>

<p>LOL. No…</p>

<p>Yeah the guy on pg 32 is good looking.</p>

<p>yep, i definitely knew that andover was preppy. somebody on another thread tried to convince me that the school wasnt preppy. in my opinion, preppy is a plus. i like preppy…well at least in boys</p>

<p>yay! Someone agrees with me! there are too people on page 29! Yes it is the big red thing. Page 29 has a red border and has a bunch people talking about how much (or how little) work they have</p>

<p>Ohhhhh! Okay… haha.</p>

<p>Ha ha, this is actually kinda funny. This entire thread is basically just the three of you talking about only two schools - A/E. Personally while I think Andover has better looking guys that Exeter in terms of the HADES (Hotchkiss, Andover, Deerfield, Exeter, St.Pauls) schools its not that high up. </p>

<p>(Please take note like all rankings -most of which are absolute bull- these rankings are completely subjective and can vary from individual to individual but i tried to be as objective as possible). </p>

<p>In terms of guys:</p>



<p>St Pauls</p>



<p>In terms of just the natural surroundings I would rank the schools:</p>

<p>Hotchkiss (the natural conservatory ranked it among the most beatiful 200places on earth)</p>



<p>St Pauls</p>


<p>In terms of Buildings:</p>




<p>St Pauls</p>


<p>wait which one exeter or andover view book?</p>

<p>It seems like exeter just got only ranked nicely on the buildings. :(</p>

<p>nice ranking kafkareborn!</p>