<p>I was reading through a thread today, about exeter's and andover's viewbooks. how do you get a viewbook? do you just submit an inquiry or what?</p>
<p>BTW, people keep on posting that "exeter guys are like MIT guys, kinda nerdy". WTH is that supposed to mean?</p>
<p>It means that Exeter guys are nerdy. Not necessarily a terrible thing, but you’ll see when you visit.</p>
<p>As for getting viewbooks, all you need to do is go to school websites and click on whatever link there is for application. There will often be a button for submitting an enquiry or specifically requesting a viewbook.</p>
<p>what would i do without CC?</p>
<p>Probably… Implode or something!</p>
<p>exeter guys are sexy beasts… andover guys are a bunch of pasty white skinned creepers</p>
<p>LOL you wishhhh noseyyy, Andover’s student body is generally a million times cooler than Exeter’s</p>
<p>very strong emotions!</p>
<p>^In terms of looks I think Andover has got Exeter beat! Cooler? Not sure about that… They can proudly say GW went there…</p>
<p>um generally… you fail</p>
<p>George Washington didn’t go to Andover. He visited and sent his nephews, but he didn’t go.</p>
<p>And no, istoleyournose, you fail, as does Exeter
and their terrible dance team, the Lionettes. Andover’s SLAM is a million times more awesome… Go to youtube and do a side-by-side comparison</p>
<p>im confused. generally you fail what?</p>
<p>the lionettes?! what kind of a name is that?</p>
<p>GW as in George Walker, as in George Bush, as in the guy who ****ed America up.</p>
<p>um your fine, just ignore it.</p>
<p>Yeah, good question! It’s a stupid name! SLAM is so much better - they MAKE the music. All the Lionettes do is make crappy attempts at dancing in sync with the music and they end up all out of sync and all over the place. Again, youtube both teams and compare them!</p>
<p>Whatever, GWB also went to Yale and Harvard, and it’s not really possible to call either of those schools uncool. I still wonder why Andover admitted him, though…</p>
<p>Cuz at that time all you needed was a bit of money and a bit of pedigree to get in. Don’t worry, tis all light humor. Ted Kennedy went to Milton though, can’t help but loving that!</p>
<p>I know it’s humor - kids at my current school make fun of me because I’ll be going to both (in fact, all three - Jeb, governor of Florida, too) Bushs’ alma mater.</p>
<p>I wish the kids at my school made fun of me for going to a school which matriculated Bush. Instead they (or their parents, who are just as politically ■■■■■■■■) voted for McCain this November. What a shame…</p>
<p>Talk about a tainted ticket. VERY few politically minded individuals will have an easy time taking the republican ticket seriously after Palin came in and ditzed up the party.</p>