Best Major Cultures Class...

<p>I have no preference of department and want to take one this semester - what is the best class?</p>

<p>i've only taken one....contemporary islamic was pretty load is pretty decent....saliba is a fairly interesting lecturer.</p>

<p>i've heard of an african civ class where you just watch films all the time...not sure what the assignments are like.</p>

<p>-Bumped up-</p>

<p>What was the course code? Islamic and middle eastern courses are so damn scarce in the spring…I need a great global core class. Any one.</p>

<p>Clinton: what year are you?</p>

<p>I took The Mongols in History my senior spring, and loved it although it was at 9AM–though only once a week. Professor Morris Rossabi is <em>the</em> leading scholar on the area, and knows so much it made my head spin–in fact, he didn’t even have lecture notes! He just talked. Also, mongolia’s a pretty obscure, though fascinating area of the world–and the country’s history pretty much created a lot of the causes that shapes geopolitics today–at least in Asia.</p>

<p>^^oops I submitted before I was done. </p>

<p>Problem wiht that class is that it <em>used</em> to be an easy A, so all these jocks would sign up for it before sophs and freshmen would get to it–Rossabi caught whiff of that and made it harder :)</p>

<p>Intro to tibetan civ was pretty awesome too</p>

<p>And I know that Gandhi’s India taught by Janaki Bakhle is fabulous</p>

<p>Just to call out the technicality: it’s not major cultures anymore :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>I really liked Rise of Civilization tho most people on culpa don’t. You go over the theories of anthropology as well as learn stuff about ancient civs (china, mesopotamia, etc). Pretty sure it was nothing more than a midterm and a final with an optional paper.</p>