To alumnis: Course recommendation

<p>I found that one of my biggest mistakes this first semester at Columbia was to be, as they say CULPA-obsessed. That thing was my bible around Fall registration and, well the class I currently dislike the most is the one in which I have the bestest, awesmest, ZOMGest Lit. Hum. professor ever. (The teacher himself is nice and competent but nothing mind blowing. A few sycophants have really ruined the class for me)</p>

<p>Anywhoooo, this week is winter registration and I'm looking for interesting Major Culture (List A) and Global Core courses, based on the material alone.</p>

<p>Do you guys have any recommendations that you really enjoyed? I'm open to suggestions</p>

<p>East Asian Civ was an interesting course for me; not sure what list it falls on these days. I had Schirokauer, who is pretty well respected in the field. de Bary also teaches it, and he’s famous.</p>

<p>I loved the Mongols in History taught by Morris Rossabi. It’s sort of a popular class–so it’s unlikely youll get in until you’re a junior or senior, but it’s well worth it despite being at 9AM (only Tuesdays, though)</p>

<p>He’s the leading intellectual in the history of the area–and Mongolia is sort of a forgotten part of the world, except when people invoke Genghis Khan. It really opened my eyes to the history of Eurasia as well.</p>

<p>Alumni is already plural. Alumnus is the singular (at least for males). </p>

<p>History of the Modern Middle East with Khalidi is excellent.</p>