Best Match for Me?

<p>I am having a lot of trouble deciding where I would like to go to school. I would basically just like a school with four characteristics:</p>

<p>1) I want a school that is good academically but doesn't make me wanna die under the huge workload or the extreme amount of studying needed to get good grades. Yes, I said it, I want to get good grades without having to live and breathe studying. That means I don't have to go to an Ivy League, I just want something with a good reputation. </p>

<p>2) I want a school that doesn't party all the time and drink all the time. I know partying happens at every college, but I don't want it to be a major part of the student life.</p>

<p>3) I want a school that offers lots of activities such as outdoor adventure programs, group fitness classes, seminars/lectures, theater plays and etc. Also, lots of study abroad opportunities are wonderful</p>

<p>4) I want the student body to be down-to-earth and friendly. No uppity colleges for me.</p>

<p>Anyone know of anything that fits this description? I know it's a tall order to fill, but I would think there should be at least SOMETHING out there to match it</p>

<p>William&Mary seems to meet criteria 2-4 pretty well, and from what i’ve known of them their student body is very “chill” but it may be a bit rigorous (in terms of work load, but not a “work your ass of for a semester and devote your life to studying for a B-” school )</p>

<p>do you care about size or location? what are your stats like?</p>

<p>I agree with the suggestion of William and Mary. Also Kenyon College, Colby College, and Grinnel College are good bets. It sounds like you should focus at looking at LACs and not big universities.</p>