Best Methods to Prep For The ACT?

Hi all,

I’m a junior who has never taken the ACT before, and will be utilizing the summer time to prep for the ACT come this September and October. For those of you who have taken the exam, what advice would you recommend for someone such as myself who has only taken the practice test and scored pretty poorly on the math section? I’ve never been all that great at standardized test taking, and have always struggled in math. From what I can recall from my last practice test I took back in sophomore year, I believe my score was somewhere around a 17 or 19 which really wasn’t all that great. Nonetheless, I’d imagine that being an AP student, much of the atmosphere is probably going to be the same.

So yeah, what advice can you all give for a fairly strong academic student who struggles at math and wants to improve his sucky ACT score in the best way possible?


Hey Delcore, I would recommend that you go through several math practice tests and learn how to answer all the questions. Write down any formulas that you saw needed to be used on any of the questions. Do a little bit every day, and you should be good. Good Luck!

My son found it helpful to make sure that he took timed tests for practice. Once he started taking the timed tests he was able to better manage his time to complete the whole test. He then was able to have time to recheck his answers.