Best minor to compliment a nursing major?

What would be the best minor to compliment a nursing major? I was thinking either health administration or family and child development

Often you don’t have enough electives to have a minor. In any case, those two sound fine if they interest you. A few courses in Spanish are very helpful in almost all parts of the US.

Psychology/sociology is also a great minor

There is no time for a minor if you are a nursing student. You typically take 16-18 credits per semester. The courses are fixed for all students in nursing. No other choice. You also work part time in the hospital after sophomore year to have employment experience. In my eyes you have to be a superman and willing to pay for extra credits to do that.

My minor was biology.

Because you have so few electives, I’d pick classes that you would enjoy, and not be constrained by the requirements for a minor.

RN here. Psych or Soc are good choices but if you are looking for something else, other areas would be something with computers, journalism or business since you are interested in health administration.

Take a couple classes in Spanish and in Psychology.