Double Major AND Double Minor?

Hi! I am currently a high school senior who will be a college freshman in the fall. That being said, I have no idea what a college schedule or the workload is like. I want to double major in Nursing and Paramedic Science as well as double minor in Health Psychology and Epidemiology. My end goal is to achieve an MSN and become a flight NP, so I need both majors even if it means I won’t graduate in 4 years. This is where my question comes in: I have so many interests and love to learn so while I would love to add double minors to my education, I don’t know if that would be feasible. Because everything I’m taking is healthcare-related, I know it’s going to be difficult and while I am willing to put the work in, I would like some advice. Even though these minors are of interest and related to my profession, should I take them? Would I be so weighed down by work that I’d have no social life? Would I have to pay extra for additional credit hours? Would these minors increase my employability?

Thank you!

Focus on being the best nursing major you can be.

Start there. The more you load onto your plate, the more complexity and uncertainty you are going to add. You are in HS and have plenty of time to shift your focus, decide that there’s something health related you love more than flight NP, etc. There are health careers that don’t even exist today… so focus on step one- Nursing.

You sound like someone who might end up going to graduate school (while working as a nurse). Keep learning, working, growing, take elective courses that interest you and see where that lead you. Enjoy the journey!

Good nurses are highly employable, so I wouldn’t worry about that. Your problem might be choosing where you are most needed!