Hi! I am currently a high school senior who will be a college freshman in the fall. That being said, I have no idea what a college schedule or the workload is like. I want to double major in Nursing and Paramedic Science as well as double minor in Health Psychology and Epidemiology. My end goal is to achieve an MSN and become a flight NP, so I need both majors even if it means I won’t graduate in 4 years. This is where my question comes in: I have so many interests and love to learn so while I would love to add double minors to my education, I don’t know if that would be feasible. Because everything I’m taking is healthcare-related, I know it’s going to be difficult and while I am willing to put the work in, I would like some advice. Even though these minors are of interest and related to my profession, should I take them? Would I be so weighed down by work that I’d have no social life? Would I have to pay extra for additional credit hours? Would these minors increase my employability?
Thank you!