Should I Pick Up a Computer Science Minor?

I start my second year of uni in August. I took 3 computer courses in high school and I really enjoyed it. I’m a first gen college student, so up until now, I never knew minors were a thing, and when I saw that my school offered computer science minors, I got excited. Then I remembered nursing is a pretty rigorous program with little to no leeway for slacking off.
I did some research though, and a computer science minor would only be 5 classes (16 credit hours), so I was wondering if it would be any use to me in nursing? I don’t want to waste time and money for something that I wouldn’t use at all. Is it possible, or should I just focus on nursing, being that it IS competitive. Thanks for any feedback!

I think it would be of limited value in hospital floor nursing, but would be very beneficial if you want to work in administration or for a health insurance company.

It could be helpful if you had a strong interest in nursing informatics.