<p>Does anyone know what the best physics professor is for PHY 302K?</p>
<p>The choices for this fall are De Lozanne, Distler, and Fiete. </p>
<p>Distler doesn't have very good reviews and there's no info on the other two.</p>
<p>Does anyone know what the best physics professor is for PHY 302K?</p>
<p>The choices for this fall are De Lozanne, Distler, and Fiete. </p>
<p>Distler doesn't have very good reviews and there's no info on the other two.</p>
<p>You can view part of the Course-Instructor survey results in UT Direct.</p>
<p>Log in to UT Direct
Search for CIS
Click the top left link for Results
Entere the prof’s name in the search box.</p>
<p>Fiete has ratings of 4.1-4.2 for upper-division and graduate-level classes (largest class size 26). De Lozanne has a page and a half of results, and also comes in around 4.2, again for small class sizes (like around 13). Neither one has any results for 302K. Distler also scores about 4.2, but has at least taught intro-level classes three times since 2007. Distler has bad reviews on MyEdu, but they are almost all for 309K, Elementary Physics for Nontechnical Majors. Their evaluations are probably not relevent to a science major.</p>
<p>How did you figure out who is teaching it?</p>
<p>Thanks spdf! I didn’t know about this feature. It looks like they have pretty similar ratings although they’re not exactly relevant to PHY 302k.</p>
<p>I guess at this point, it just comes down to pouring through the evaluations and seeing whether Fiete or De Lozanne is more highly rated.</p>
<p>@pinata: you can search for classes and professors using the course schedule.</p>